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My breath catches in my throat. It’s doubtful anyone else heard what he said, but I heard every word, as he intended.

The train is warm as we head past several stops until we reach the destination. “This is it,” I say on our approach. “Are you walking me to my front door?”

“That’s the plan.” He accompanies me off the train and onto the platform as we head for the escalator.

He’s at my side. His arm wraps around my hip as he keeps me tightly against him. There’s a warmth that he exudes, or perhaps the alcohol that’s made me toasty inside, along with his presence.

I guide him back to my apartment. The walk from the subway is a few blocks, and it’s late. I don’t admit that I’m grateful for the company as I sway on my feet. Dmitri keeps me upright and balanced.

I unlock the main entrance to the apartment complex, and he accompanies me into the elevator. “You don’t have to walk me inside. I’m safe now,” I say.

“What floor?” he asks as he stands in front of the panel in the elevator.

“Six,” I say.

He presses the button for the sixth floor, and after the doors close, I press the buttons for all the other floors above six.

“You’re a monster,” he jokes.

It’s the middle of the night. How many people are riding the elevator at this hour? “I know.” I lean into Dmitri while the elevator ascends, and we reach the sixth floor.

The double doors open, and I shuffle with my purse, digging out my keys while stepping out of the elevator. He’s right beside me every step of the way.

Is he waiting for me to invite him inside? I push the key into the lock and turn, grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him hard against me, my lips crashing down on his. Isn’t that why he’s here?

“Sadie,” he whispers, his voice rough and throaty as his lips fall to my neck. There’s a heat swirling around, making me want to rip my clothes off within his presence.

I’m stifling, and his lips only further make me melt in the hallway. I reach behind me for the door handle and shuffle inside.

He’s right with me, and so is Kona, jumping and barking in excitement at my presence.

Or maybe she’s alerting me to the newcomer accompanying me.

“Hello,” he grunts as he kicks the door shut with his foot and is shoved back against the front entrance. Kona has pounced, two paws on his chest, sniffing and deciding if he’s worthy of entering. He’s momentarily startled, and I can’t tell if he likes dogs or despises them. He certainly doesn’t appear afraid.

“Kona, down,” I say, pointing for her to sit.

She releases her hold on Dmitri and steps back, sitting by the front door, staring at him. Her tail is wagging, the biggest giveaway that she’s friendly and not threatening.

I glance at Dmitri over my shoulder as I flip on the lights and wince from the brightness.

He bends down to Kona’s level and cuddles my girl, giving her pets. If she were a guard dog, he’d have just broken her.

“You’re a dog person,” I say, glancing at Dmitri as Kona has taken a liking to him, rubbing up against him for more rubs.

I don’t dare admit I’m jealous that she’s won his attention tonight. I had momentarily forgotten about Kona and had envisioned him slamming the door shut and fucking me against it.

I suppose that’s not about to happen.


“As a child, I had a rescue mutt when we first moved to America.”

I’m curious what else he remembers. Have all of his memories returned?

I flip on the kitchen light. “Can I get you a drink?”

Dmitri shakes his head, his eyes on me as he stands and follows me into the kitchen. “No, I’m good.”

Tags: Willow Fox Bratva Brothers Crime