Page 108 of Lie with Me

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He needed no more encouragement. He thrust, his dick sinking into me, flooding my vision with ecstasy-fueled explosions. I cried out, harder and louder. My words mumbled and merged. Oliver fucked me hard, holding nothing back, slamming into me with the sole goal to make us one being.

“Sit down,” I said between thrusts. Oliver pulled out of me, making me spasm with pleasure and a hungry need.

A hunger I was about to feed.

Oliver sat down on the couch, legs spread and cock hard, standing up and glistening wet. I smiled, spitting on my fingers and rubbing it over my hole, getting myself soaked before I climbed onto Oliver, straddling him on the couch. My hard dick rubbed against his chest, smearing a trail of precome across the pale, flushed skin.

Oliver craned his head down and flicked his tongue across my slit, driving me wild.

I reached around and grabbed Oliver’s hard length in my hand. I lined him up with my hole and sat back, slowly, taking him in inch by inch, relishing in the feeling of him stretching me open, filling me up.

I sat all the way down, impaling myself on him. My balls were tight against me, my cock bouncing as I started to fuck Oliver, sliding up and down, both of us sounding like animals. I had both hands on the couch, on either side of Oliver’s head.

“Oh God, Beck, that feels so good. Oh God.”

“Yeah? You like fucking me?”

“Mhmm. Yes. I do. I do.”

Our lips met in a lust-filled kiss as Oliver thrust up into me, fucking me harder. He hit me deep, pushing against my swollen P-spot, sending a new set of explosions across my vision. Sweat beaded on my forehead, dripped down my lip.

“Keep going,” I said. “I’m so fucking close.”

“Yeah? Do it. Blow your load all over my chest, Beck.”

“Fuck, keep fucking me.” My hole clenched around him. My cock twitched in the air, come starting to shoot.

“Oh, Beck, you’re gonna make me come.”

Neither of us could get any more words out. Our bodies let loose, our orgasms ripping through us with the force of an earthquake strong enough to tear California from the States. I could barely see straight, the orgasm lasting longer than any other, my entire body convulsing as I continued to shoot.

Oliver looked up at me, drenched in come, some of it dripping off his chin, more dripping from his eyebrow. He laughed, breaking down into ared-cheeked fit.

I followed suit. I laughed, too, leaning down and kissing him through chuckles, licking up some of my mess, feeling him grow soft inside me.

We laughed and we kissed and we took our time before getting in the shower. We enjoyed each other in our flushed and brain-fogged states. It felt pure. It felt right.

“I love you, Olly.” I looked into those glowing blue eyes of his, feeling a connection unlike any other. “Bloody fuckin’ hell, Olly. I really love you.”

“I really love you, too.”

I believed his every word. It felt like a true blessing, to have someone I could unconditionally believe. To have someone who I could trust with my entire being. That was Oliver, and I would never let him go.

“You’re a special one,” I said, the glow of our love shining through me. “My only one.”

I kissed my soul mate then, excited to see what the future had planned for us now that the past wouldn’t come to haunt us any longer.

“Deadass?” Oliver asked with a cheeky grin.

“Deadass,” I repeated, both of us laughing as we got up from the couch and went to the shower, Oliver playfully slapping my ass along the way.


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Tags: Max Walker Romance