Page 106 of Lie with Me

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Honestly… I wasn’t a huge fan of the guy. I didn’t even think he’d show up. Beckham had told me that none of the other detectives were able to really get to know him, but that all of them couldn’t deny how good he was at his job.

He offered an unimpressed smile as he shook our hands. “Great party.”

It’s actually a full-on prom. An event. But yeah, okay, it’s a “party.”

“Thanks for coming,” I said, smiling as best I could even though my inner Petty Patty was screeching at the top of her lungs to be heard.

“Of course.”

“Rocky was just telling me about a trip he took overseas. Where was it?” I could tell Andrew was trying hard to break the ice, but with Rocky, that wasn’t ice—that was permafrost.


See? Permafrost.

“Alriggghtythen.” Declan clapped his hands. “Andrew, let’s go get a drink. Anyone want anything?”

I lifted my beer, still untouched. Beckham did the same. Declan and Andrew left, and Rocky took no time at all to leave behind them, going back to his post against the wall.

“Thank you for this, Olly. Really.”

“It’s the least I can do, Beck.”

“The least? Then what’s the most?”

I winked at him. “You’ll get to see that later.”

He laughed, pulling me in for a kiss. It felt electric. My blood thrummed with Beckham’s name, my heart singing his song, my pulse dancing to his beat. He was my one, and I would do anything for him.

When we separated, I looked out to the crowd.

Everyone was there, and everyone lookedsooogood. When I'd organized this, I’d half expected everyone to, well, to half-ass it. I thought an adult prom would be hard to sell. I thought maybe Andrew and Jonah would show up to support but that would be it.

Instead, the Stonewall courtyard was packed. All the detectives from the Miami branch were there, and they had brought dates. Andrew looked like a million bucks in a classy navy suit with a light-pink pocket square sticking out, matching the light-pink shirt Declan wore.

Jonah and Fox were both hanging out by the snack table, chatting and laughing about some inside joke. Holly and her partner, Triss, were hanging out with Shiro and his new boyfriend, while Penny and her wife played a game of Jenga with Maleek and his wife, Danica.

It filled my heart with an overwhelming sense of peace. This was all how things were supposed to unravel. As scary as life had gotten, there really had been a light at the end of the all the trauma.

The light shone bright every time I looked into Beckham’s eyes. “Let’s dance,” I said.

“Oh no. No, I’m okay.”

I cocked my head, smiling. “Just one dance.”

Beckham never put up a fight with me. “All right, one dance.” He held my hand as we weaved through the crowd, heading toward the empty dance floor. The second we stepped onto the floor, the DJ switched up the song from a Nicki Minaj hit to a slow-dance tune, the energy perceptibly shifting toward us.

Beckham looked at me, terror in his eyes. I grabbed his hands, confidence in my steps, and I started to dance, slowly. I could tell he was nervous at first, all his movements stiffer than a robot cosplaying as a human. He started to loosen up, though, his gaze honing in on me, the rest of Stonewall disappearing.

We danced soft circles around the floor, our bodies pressed together, one of my hands on his shoulder, the other in his hand.

He twirled me, surprising even himself when I was pulled back in. I giggled into his chest, smelling his sweet scent, a mixture of woodsy cologne and musky man. Intoxicating.

The music slowed and the dance slowed with it. When it was all over, I looked around to realize that a crowd had formed to watch us.

And they all started to clap. I blushed, waving it all off. Beckham looked slightly mortified but also wore a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

A loud voice cut through the speakers. “Wow, thank you for thatbeautifulrecreation of Beauty and the Silver-Haired Daddy. Disney would be so proud of you two queers. Only if it’s pride month though, so be considerate of the corporations please.”

Tags: Max Walker Romance