Page 44 of More than Tempted

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“Are you certain you wish to use that fact to support your claim?” When the man frowned, she said, “If so, it means you lied.”

Monsieur Laurent froze.

“Either you saw no one outside, monsieur, or you saw Mr St Clair with a female companion.” She swallowed down her reservation. Saving Nicholas was the only thing that mattered. “I was outside with Mr St Clair last night. We wished to talk privately about the blackmail demand. According to the timeline, Mr Holland had left the bedchamber half an hour before Mr St Clair escorted me back to my room. So, you may want to revise your statement.”

Lady Brompton smirked. “Mr Holland said he has tried to dismiss you twice, yet you refuse to leave. Perhaps you had a motive for murder.”

“And you were seen rummaging in Mr Holland’s armoire.” Helen made to stand. “I shall summon the coroner. Let us see what Mr Hope has to say on the matter.”

“No! Wait!” Monsieur Laurent cried, flapping like a goose. “Yes, yes, I may have made a mistake. Mr Holland, he had a bruise on his cheek. I have never seen him so angry, and he stormed out to get some air. I heard about the fight earlier and assumed he had gone to confront Mr St Clair.”

“Mr St Clair might hang,” Helen snapped. “You should have explained the situation fully, not made foolish assumptions.”

“Je suis désolé. I only told the coroner what I thought had happened. And Mr Holland, he has not paid me for six months. He pretends to dismiss me so he does not have to find the funds. I was searching the armoire for money.”

Lady Brompton cast a wary eye over the valet.

The man’s story sounded plausible, but there was no one to verify his account. Helen could visit Mr Hope and confess to being outside with Nicholas last night. But the timeline was vague, and she might cause a scandal for no reason at all.

Nicholas might have left the house again.

No one could vouch for his whereabouts.

“I see little point informing the coroner tonight.” Clearly sensing Helen’s dilemma, Lady Brompton offered a reassuring smile. “And I suspect Monsieur Laurent will leave England long before he is summoned to give evidence.” Lady Brompton was almost willing the man to abscond. She waved him away. “You may leave us. I shall speak to Mrs Waltham about your pay. She may decide to reimburse you.”

Holding his wig to his head, Monsieur Laurent bowed five times before thanking the lady and backing out of the room.

“Well, that was most informative,” Lady Brompton said in a hushed voice. “I doubt the man’s testimony will convince a jury, not with him being French.”

Helen did not share the same prejudice, perhaps because she had not lost a beloved husband at Waterloo. “Yes, once the coroner learns the valet was mistaken, it will mean one less hurdle to jump.”

“Indeed.” Lady Brompton eyed Helen narrowly. “So, what do you mean to do now, Miss Langley?”

“Do, my lady?”

“About saving St Clair. Tell me you don’t mean to sit around here like a dimwit.” She wagged her finger by way of a reprimand. “I pray you have more to offer than that. Don’t be a disappointment.”

Helen straightened, almost desperate to hear a woman’s opinion. “What else can I do? Mr St Clair might be halfway to Portsmouth by now.”

The thought of Nicholas sailing away to distant shores had her heart sinking to her stomach. She could still smell his musky scent on her skin, could still feel the imprint of his hands on her body. But both would soon fade.


“Is it not better to remain here and ensure Mr Hope broadens his list of suspects?” Someone had to hold the coroner to account.

“I’ll deal with the brainless beggar.” The lady leant forward. “In a time of crisis, you must think of Shakespeare.”


Was she comparing Nicholas’ fate toThe Comedy of Errors?

“If all the world is a stage, you’re nothing more than a spectator. One can see you’re itching for a main part.” She released a heavy sigh. “Live, gal! Fight for what you want. You’re a long time dead. Marry that fool Chadderton, and you’ll wish you were.”

“You make living sound easy.”

Lady Brompton did not have Sebastian as a brother.

“Live from the heart, and it is easy. You must be a champion of our sex, my dear. Set an example to all those poor girls forced to do their families’ bidding.”

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