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Noah’s mouth falls open and closes. I brought Owen with me to the retirement party, but we didn’t stay long, and Owen was busy with his friend Anthony. This is the first time Noah’s gotten a close look at Gabe’s son.

“Hi, I’m Noah,” he says nervously.

“I’m Owen.”

Noah smiles, then shakes his little hand. “It’s nice to officially meet you.”

“My mama told me not to tell anyone you’re here. I’ll keep it a secret. I promise,” Owen says.

“Thank you.”

“Since you don’t have any appliances, I told Noah I’d bring him food, or he can sneak over to the cottage, so you won’t have to worry about him much,” Gemma says. “You won’t even know he’s here.”

I grunt, crossing my arms. “Doubtful, but alright.”

Gemma smacks my arm and looks at me with a warning. “Do I need to bring a rifle?”

“For me or her?” Noah quips.

Gemma rolls her eyes. “Okay, well as much as I wish I could stay and witness this grand reunion, I have a new business to get up and running, so I’m gonna trust you’ll get yourself settled in.” She pats his arm. “Call me if you need anything, okay? I’m just down the block.”

“Might wanna check on me if you don’t hear from me in a few days…” Noah taunts, flashing me a look.

“Oh c’mon…” I narrow my eyes at him. “Now y’all are just being dramatic, and I have a ten-year-old who gives me enough of that.”

Gemma gives me a hug goodbye and thanks me again.

As soon as she walks out the back, I hear a door close from the front.

Panic fills me. “Oh shit, that’s my mother. Of course, she’s early. You’ve gotta hide.Right now,” I urge Noah. “She’s here to pick up Owen for basketball practice.” I point at the staircase, and Noah quickly bolts upstairs. My heart races a million miles per minute as she knocks on the door. I put a finger over my mouth, and Owen pretends to zip his lips.

“Come in,” I say, and my mother enters.

She’s dressed prim and proper and looks around at the progress Ihaven’tmade, but at least I’ve taught her to keep her opinions to herself.

“Ready to go to basketball practice?” she asks with a cheeky grin.

He smiles and nods. “Yep! Coach said we’d be practicing three-pointers today.” He grabs his small duffel bag with his shoes and bottle of water, then gives me a side hug before walking toward the door.

“I’ll probably take him to get something to eat afterward, then bring him back here, unless you’ll be at home?” Mom asks.

“I’ll be here,” I confirm. “Wanna try to make some progress on the guest bathroom.”

“Good deal,” she tells me before leaving.

Once I hear the car back out of the driveway, I exhale in relief.

My phone vibrates, and I see a text from Everleigh.

Everleigh: I want to schedule a girls’ day in two weeks on Saturday. A spa day for a pregnancy gift for Gemma. You in?

Katie: Abso-fucking-lutely.

I’ll need to find a sitter. After we have massages and mani-pedis, I’ll be useless, so I won’t work on the house that day either. Honestly, though, I can’t remember the last time I relaxed.

I hear the old floorboards creaking on the second floor, and soon, Noah’s feet touch the bottom stair.

He glances at me with dark brown eyes, then looks around. Noah’s gaze trails over the unfinished walls and hanging electrical wires.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance