Page 110 of Only Us (Only One 2)

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I nod. “Pretty certain. Had to be a pro to leave the scene of the accident before the ambulance arrived. I’m positive Brittany picked him up. It was evident she wasn’t happy I survived.”

“And this Loretta…” He perks a brow. “She wants you gone too?”

“We think she funded the hit man,” I confirm.

“So essentially, we’re looking for three people?” Eric asks.

“Four, if you count Loretta’s husband, Elliot. But I haven’t seen him since I arrived. I think it’s mainly those two plus the guy they hired.”

“If he’s a pro, he’s probably equipped to take you out from a distance as well. I’m gonna need to do perimeter checks and go everywhere with you until I find him.”

“Gonna put a damper on your private time with Katie.” Tyler snickers.

Eric shakes his head. “If you’re in her house, I’ll keep watch from the car. Don’t get blue balls on my behalf.”

I snort. “Appreciate that.”

Tyler drives me back to Lawton Ridge. Katie’s with Owen until her mom can watch him this afternoon. We’ve been so preoccupied that we haven’t had much time to work on the house, and it makes me feel bad. I hope to eventually help her get to the point where she can move in. Even though she’s too stubborn to admit it, she’s struggling to pay her rent and mortgage on top of purchasing the materials needed for the remodel. I want to do everything in my power to take some of the stress off her.

When we arrive at Katie’s, Eric gets out of his car and meets us on the porch.

“Couldn’t spring for a hotel?” He chuckles when we walk inside.

“There aren’t any here,” Tyler says.

“This is my girlfriend’s place we’re fixin’ up.”

“I’m just messing with you. It’s fine. I’m not picky.” Eric smirks, looking around.

“We’ll be roomies for a while too,” I taunt.

“I really appreciate you coming here,” Tyler says as I lead Eric to the master room where we’ll be staying.

“No problem, man.”

Two air mattresses are set up with blankets and pillows with a little side table Katie brought over. I plan to bring a mini fridge with drinks and snacks as well.

“So I never got the full story of what happened last year with you two,” I say as Eric unpacks some of his things. “Care to give me the CliffsNotes version?”

“About Victoria? Or as I preferred to call her: Crazy Bitch?” Eric spits out.

“We’re gonna need a few beers for this convo.” Tyler sighs.

“Let’s go to the pub,” I suggest. “Then we can show Eric around.”

Tyler drives, and once we’re inside and seated with our drinks, they tell me the story of the first time they met. It’s a whole side of Tyler I never knew, and I’m shocked as hell when he spills all the details.

The drama that went down with Tyler and his two friends Liam and Maddie is insane. Eric used to work for mob boss daughter, Victoria O’Leary, who framed Tyler for drugs and illegal guns. After he did time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Eric asked him to be a character witness in a deposition for his girlfriend's death. Victoria wasn’t happy when she found out Tyler helped in the murder case against her, so she came to Alabama to get back at him. Some shit went down, and she ended up dead.

Just hearing about it gives me chills.

“You know that sounds fake as fuck,” I taunt afterward.

“Oh, shit was crazy even before Tyler got involved. Victoria was a level-ten narcissist and psychopath.”

“Maybe she’s related to Brittany.”

After two days of Eric following me around and sleeping at Katie’s farmhouse, I return to work. It feels weird to be watched, but according to him, he’s had “worse jobs,” and this is nothing compared to what he typically does. He’s over six feet tall, built like a linebacker, and enters a room like he’s ready to kill the next person who dares to speak. I definitely wouldn’t cross him.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance