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On Sundays, I also try to catch up on all the chores I neglected during the week, especially laundry.

Once I’ve put his clothes in the washer, I head back to the kitchen and see his empty chair.

“Owen!” I shout. “Your food’s getting cold.”

“I’m comin’, Ma!” He finally trails in from the living room with his eyes glued to his tablet.

“You know the rules. Turn it off.”

He releases a groan, then looks at me. “Why can’t I watch it while I eat? All my friends get to.”

I take the tablet and close the cover, then set it on the kitchen counter. “Good for them. They aren’t my children, but you are, so I guess you gotta listen to my rules instead.” I flash him a wink, but he rolls his eyes with a grunt.

“No fair.”

He’s only ten, but some days, I swear he acts like a hormonal fifteen-year-old.

“Watch that tone.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He dives into his food, and I clear my throat to get his attention. “Where are your manners?” I sit across from him with my own plate.

“Thank you, Mom.”

“You’re welcome.” I smile as I take my first bite. “What would you like to do after?”

He shrugs, which is his usual go-to response. Owen’s an energetic kid, but he has his moments. Lately, hanging out with his friends and playing games on his tablet have become the most important things in his life.

“Wanna play one of your new games that Memaw and Papa got you?”

It was his birthday a few months ago, and my parents got him some board games that we’ve only played a couple times.

He shrugs again.

“What about Pay Day? See if you can beat me this time?” I tease.

I finally get a smile out of him. “Yeah right, but sure.”

We continue eating, and I make a mental list of things I want to do this afternoon. Besides laundry, I need to change our bedding, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, and tidy up before going to the new house. I’ll probably only get a few hours of work in this afternoon when my mom comes over and hangs out with Owen.

“Can we watch a movie?”

I glance at the clock and figure if we spend an hour playing a game and another hour and a half watching a movie, I’ll have time to switch the laundry over between.

“Sure, bud.”

He’s obsessed withStar Wars, so streaming the movies with Disney Plus has been a godsend.

Once we’re done, Owen takes our empty plates and places them into the dishwasher. That’s one of his chores, and I make sure he stays on it. Besides dishes, his other responsibilities include putting his clean clothes away and keeping his room tidy. It’s not always an easy task, but one warning about losing his tablet and he gets it done.

Although being a single parent has had its challenges over the years, there’s nothing more rewarding than being his mom and watching him grow into a kind, sweet young man.

As I’m folding clothes, my phone goes off with a text message, and I smile when I see it’s from Everleigh.

She, Gemma, and I grew up together and have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We’re each other’s ride or die, but as we’ve gotten older, we’ve gotten busy with our lives—having a baby, getting married, opening a business. We may have chosen different paths, but it’s brought us closer together.

Everleigh: Sooo you gonna spill the beans on what happened yesterday, or do I need to bribe you with margaritas and Mexican food?

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance