Page 32 of Pants On Fire

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My heart is leaning one way, but my brain is very black and white. Why would I leave if this job is everything I’ve ever wanted? Success, financial stability, and with great career opportunities for my future. But my heart, that pesky little organ, keeps yelling, “But why do something you don’t truly love?”

Yeah, I have some major things to consider.

But not now.

Now, I need to get ready for the dinner party.

“Thanks, Rueben. You’re the best,” I tell him as I move into his side and give him a weird hug. It’s more of an embrace, considering we’re both on our sides. And that thought sparks memories of waking up in his arms this morning. You know, all snuggled into his hold, his very hard, very thick cock pressed firmly against my ass. Yeah, I won’t be forgettingthatanytime soon.

“It’s my pleasure, Crick. And I’m serious. If you ever need to talk, I’m just a call away. I don’t want to spend the next decade barely communicating like the last. You’re stuck with me now, you hear me?” he says, the deep timbre of his voice vibrating against my palm.

“I hear you, bossy pants.”

“Good. Now, why don’t you go do what girls do when they’re preparing for some big dinner thing, and I’ll go meet Dylan. He’s staying at the Marriott down the road, so I won’t be too far away. I should be back by four thirty and we can head out for drinks by five.”

“Sounds good,” I reply, yet neither one of us move from our position on the bed. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, I’d say he’s liking us being pressed against each other again, if you know what I mean. My lady parts are buzzing with dirty thoughts, my core starting to ache with need. Two things I’m still struggling to cope with in light of my friendship status with Rueben. Yet, here I am, ignoring the friend-zone and jumping straight into the wanna-jump-your-bones-zone.

His glasses are slightly askew, so I give them a little push. The side of my finger rubs against the coarse skin on his jaw, which is deliciously covered in today’s stubble. What once was smooth this morning is already covered with a sexy five o’clock shadow. My hand lingers for just a few extra seconds before it drops completely.

“Thanks,” he whispers, his voice deep and husky.

We finally separate, and he gathers up his stuff to leave.

“I’m going to stop by the front desk and get a second keycard. You keep this one with you,” he says, setting the plastic card by my wristlet.

“Okay. Thank you, Rueben. For everything.” I hope he knows I’m not just referring to our talk. It’s so much more than that. His playing along when I ran my mouth about being in a relationship. His humor and ability to make me smile and laugh. And yes, his words of wisdom when I didn’t even know how much I needed them.

He’s a truly great friend.

I wish we were more.

Chapter Ten


I walk down the block to the Marriott Hotel, sending Dylan a text on the way. Because of the nature of the meeting, he asked if we could meet in his room. I was a little hesitant at first, but after hearing a brief description of what Dylan does for the government, I admit I was intrigued. That’s why I’m headed to a former classmate’s hotel room instead of taking things with Cricket a step further.

And Lord knows I’m itching to take it further.

Cricket Hill is all I think about. Even when she’s standing right beside me in a concession stand line or when we’re seated beside each other at a football game, surrounded by hundreds of others I could be talking to or thinking about, it’s only her. We’re at this critical impasse, as far as our friendship goes. I’m still determined to show her how beautiful and desirable she is, but if I catch one iota of a hint that she’s not interested, I’ll back off. Until then, I’ll continue to blur the line between friendship and, well, more than friendship.

My face still tingles where her fingers grazed my skin. She has this thing for my glasses, and who am I to deny her? If she wants to touch my face and adjust my glasses, I’m definitely not going to stop her. Every time her skin meets mine, I feel this sizzle of electricity. It’s foreign and reckless, but it’s a feeling I crave.

One I want to experience again and again.

Dylan texts to say he is in room 732, so I head for the bank of elevators and take it to the seventh floor. Within a few minutes, I’m standing in front of his door, and knocking, anxious to find out more about this meeting.

He opens the door with a smile and steps back for me to enter. His room is a small suite, complete with sleeping area, a little group seating area, and a big bathroom with Jacuzzi tub. “Thanks for coming by,” he says, closing the door and waving toward the seating area.

“No problem. I admit, I’m very intrigued with what you have to say.”

Dylan pulls out a device and sets it on the coffee table beside a laptop, and not a standard issue Dell or Mac. This baby looks custom built with a palm reader on the screen. “Before I call my boss, I thought I’d run down a few details pertaining to the position itself. Then, if you’re still interested, I’ll make the call. If not, then we move on, no harm, no foul. Sound good?”

I take a seat on the wingback chair, my palms a little damp with excitement and nervousness. I’ve only interviewed twice in my adulthood, and both of those were more of a formality. Those positions were basically mine before I even sat down for the discussion, and while I still feel that may be the case here as well, I know this meeting is government related, probably for an agency with three letters.

It only takes me a second to make my decision.

“I’m in.”

Tags: Lacey Black Romance