Page 55 of End Game

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Damian’s gaze traveled to the patio, where the two women were laughing, their heads thrown back. The turf war started by Nico’s love affair with Angel Rossi was the stuff of legends in the Syndicate, but when Damian saw them together, all he saw was love.

“I think the feeling’s mutual,” Damian said. “Aria is a good sport, but the twins are exhausting, and the house in Westchester is pretty isolated.”

Nico leaned back in his chair, studying Damian with eyes that seemed to see everything. “I take it this isn’t strictly social?”

“Not strictly,” Damian admitted. “Although it’s always nice to see you and Angel.”

Nico grinned. “You don’t have to soften the blow.”

Damian laughed. “It’s about the Murphys. In Boston.”

“I thought they’d resolved their problem,” Nico said.

“They did, but the Attorney General is still breathing down their neck. I’m wondering if we could do something to help them,” he said. “They’ve been through a lot."

Normally Damian would have asked Farrell. He had a special affinity for the asshole who ran the London territory, but Nico was on the way to Capri.

Nico raised an eyebrow. “Not really our business, is it?”

“No, but I can’t help but feel like they need a break, and they could be a strategic alliance for us.”

Nico’s gaze didn't waver. “Is that all?”

“You know how it is,” Damian said. “The woman, the attorney…”

Nico turned his chair a little, his eyes straying to Angel, her blond hair streaming down her back as she sat on the edge of the pool with Aria. “I do know how it is,” he murmured.

Damian shrugged. “Anyway, it’s not a big deal. I understand if it puts us in a bad position.”

“It would be a big ask,” Nico said.

“They’re not asking,” Damian said. “I just thought…”

Nico nodded. “You’re right. They could be a help to us in the future. I think Burke has some contacts at the governor’s office in Massachusetts. Why don’t you talk to him, see if he can get someone to pull the plug on the investigation into the Murphys and their company? Tell him I okayed it.”

Damian nodded. Nolan Burke ran the Syndicate’s Boston territory. “I’ll do that. Thank you.”

“It’s no problem.” Nico’s eyes were still on Angel. “After all, we’ve all been at the mercy of a strong-willed woman.”

Damian laughed. “Isn’t that the truth?”

Nico rose to his feet and walked to the liquor cabinet against one wall. “Drink?”

“Please,” Damian said. He felt more relaxed now that they’d dispensed with business.

Nico poured them both a Scotch and handed one to Damian.

“To strong-willed women,” Nico said, holding up his glass. “May we always be lucky enough to have them by our side.”

Damian touched his glass to Nico’s. “Amen.”

Tags: Michelle St. James Erotic