Page 55 of Savage Kiss

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“We’ll soon find out, won’t we?”

“I’m just saying I don’t want to shoot this George Bulla guy until we know for sure he’s Amato. We’ve got to get him to confess. Otherwise we’re all looking at the chair for this. If the Commission don’t get to us first, of course.”

Greg chips in. “We tell the Commission and Amato will find out. My guys say he’s got them bugged.”

“That’s bullshit. No one would dare.”

“I’m just saying, I agree with Leo. We go in under our own steam. Make him talk. Then we whack him and we’re on easy street for the rest of our lives.”

The van slows down. I look around me once more. They’re waiting for the word. “We do this the way we planned,” I say. “By the numbers. We get in and we take him quietly. Get him away from any witnesses. No unnecessary shooting, I’m looking at you, Vinny.”

“I didn’t say nothing.”

“Didn’t need to. Keep your hand off the trigger until we’re off campus. Got it?”

He grunts. “Can I bring some of that college pussy back with me?”

“No civilians. No fucking this up. Got it?”

He grunts again.

“I want to hear you say it, Vinny.”

“Got it, Don Barone.”

“Good. All phones off? All guns checked?”

They sound off and then I nod as the van comes to a halt. “Ready?” I ask, swinging the door open. “Let’s do this.”

We step out of the van, looking like four businessmen. All weapons are out of sight as we split up, making our way the last quarter mile to the college under our own steam. I take point, walking the most direct route.

It’s a little after nine in the morning. The handover was supposed to be at noon. Giorgio Amato is here somewhere, using the assumed name of George Bulla. Makes sense. Bulla is Latin for boss. Giorgio is Italian for George. Funny, huh? George Boss. His own name’s a joke at our expense.

I made Michael check three times that Paolo was telling the truth. Three fingers broken and he still stuck to his story. George Bulla is Giorgio Amato, working on campus as Anna’s old professor. Is that why he wants her for his wife? Saw her when she was studying here? Made his choice back then and bided his time, waiting for the right moment.

I guess me and him aren’t that different. Only by the end of today there’ll be a big thing that sets us apart. He’ll be dead and I’ll be alive.

I walk through the campus, passing all the young happy looking people. I get a couple of glances my way but most of the students are too wrapped up in their own lives to notice me passing through.

I get to the paleontology department and head up to the second floor, passing the open door of the meeting room where the handover is supposed to take place. No one there.

It’s right next to George’s office. I try the door. Locked.

“Can I help you?”

I turn around and find myself facing a blonde woman in a turtle neck. She’s clutching a pile of books to her chest and eying me suspiciously. “Hi,” I say, fixing a smile on my face. “I’m supposed to be meeting Professor Bulla. Is he around, do you know?”

Her face breaks into a smile. “Oh, right. You one of the post grads? I’ve not seen you around before.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Transferring from California if all goes to plan. You know where Professor Bulla is?”

“He called in sick first thing. Won’t be in all day.”

“Jeez. That’s too bad. I’ve got to get my forms to him by noon or I miss the deadline for transferring. I don’t suppose you have his home address, do you?”

“No but they might have in the office. It’s down there on the right.”

As she talks, Vinny breezes past me, looking like we’ve never met before. I glance the other way. Monty’s by the water cooler, grabbing a drink.

Tags: Rosa Milano Dark