Page 34 of Savage Kiss

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“Is Leo all right?” I lower my voice as if he might hear me. “I mean, when he saw the fire, he got this look on his face. It was like he wasn’t there anymore, like it was hypnotizing him or something.”

“Tell me what happened, exactly.”

“He was stuck on the boat with a piece of metal sticking in his pants. It held him to the deck. All he needed to do was get his pants off or rip them and he’d be fine.”

“He didn’t do it?”

“Only after I’d slapped him and ordered him to. He was just staring into the flames and not doing anything.”

Nicky nods, scratching his chin slowly. “Regression due to past trauma. He seems fine now. I wouldn’t mention it though. I doubt he’d take kindly to being reminded he’s human. Come on, I’ll show you where the dining room is.”

“Can I get out of these clothes first? I’ve been in them all night.”

“Sure, I’ll wait outside.”

He walks out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. I cross to the wardrobe, picking out a pair of light blue pants and a cream blouse that feels like pure silk. I grab some underwear and then go through to my bathroom.

I undress, splashing water on my face and washing quickly. I’ll take a shower after I’ve eaten. For now, I’m too hungry to take my time. I suddenly feel ravenous now I’m fully awake.

When I’m dressed, I follow Nicky downstairs and into the dining room. Leo is sitting at the top of the table, a plate of half eaten bacon and eggs in front of him, steaming coffee mug beside it. He’s on the phone, talking in a cold unemotional voice.

“Do I sound like I’m kidding? It’s doubled for the insult, because you insulted me. Shut the fuck up and listen. You’ve got twenty-four hours. Do not call me again unless you have it.” He hangs up the phone and motions toward the table. “Please, won’t you both join me?”

I take a seat.

Nicky shakes his head. “Clogs your arteries, that shit. I’ll take a coffee and go walk Barb. Anna, let me know if you get any dizzy spells at all, no matter how slight.”

“Will do.”

He walks out. Leo puts his phone on the table, picking up his coffee. “How are you feeling?”

“All right, I guess. You okay?”

“I’m alive which is more than I could say if you hadn’t pulled me off the boat.”

“I couldn’t pull you anywhere. You’re too heavy.”

“You got me moving and for that I’m grateful. Shame about my boat. I’ve only had it six months.”

“What about the fishing boat?”

“Floating out there somewhere. Will see where it ends up.” He takes a sip of coffee and then sets down the mug. “I won’t let them take you,” he says as if I should know what the hell he’s talking about.

“Won’t let who take me?”

“Your father and his people. They sent that helicopter after you. I’ve got to say I didn’t think he had it in him.” He taps his phone. “Me and him just had a little talk.”

“What about?”

“He hasn’t got the money he owes me but he can afford to hire armed mercs and a helicopter? Thinks I won’t notice? I told him his debt’s increased to two mil. He’s got twenty-four hours to find it.”

“Or what?”

Imogen appears next to me, putting down a plate filled with bacon and eggs, enough to feed about five people. She smiles at me and then retreats the way she came.

“Or what?” I ask again as Leo shows no signs of answering.

“Eat up, it’s going to get cold.”

Tags: Rosa Milano Dark