Page 43 of Adored By 3

“You don’t want to see if he’s better?”

“No.” Valerie takes Link in her arms. “Not everyone deserves a tenth chance, do they, sweet boy? Nope. And it’s important that we do what’s best for us when someone doesn’t respect boundaries.”

“As you tell me all the time.” I muse.

She jumps a little and looks at me. “Chase!”

“Sophie, can I speak to my girlfriend alone?”

She nods, picks up her child, and heads inside. Valerie stands and watches me with careful eyes. She looks like a cornered snake, ready to strike. Lief’s nickname for her gets more accurate every day.

“You didn’t tell me about your father looking for you. If he could hurt you or cause trouble, we should know.”

“I appreciate that, but it’s my problem.” She rubs my chest.

“Don’t seduce me to avoid this.”

“I’m not. I like touching you.” She gives me a confused look. “Chase, I don’t use sex to distract a lot of the time, you guys just assume some things are come ons, like me touching you.”

I relax a little. She rubs my sides and kisses my neck. “I don’t want to deal with my father. I’m so happy right now. I love being with you three. I love going to school, feeling like a normal girlfriend and really just ... living. It’s so nice after everything.”

Rubbing her back slowly, I kiss her forehead. “I can understand that.”

“Not to mention the three of you would beat him to a pulp.”

“Yeah, Lief has at least six plans for revenge against anyone who’s hurt you and I think he’d take the most painful route for your father.”

“So it’s better to keep him totally out of it. My dad I mean. As sexy as it is to watch you guys beat the shit out of people who deserve it, I don’t want to deal with the ... the fall out of that.”


“We haven’t had to deal with bloodshed or violence in months, baby boy. I love it. I’ve already been thinking about us going to Denver after graduation so we can follow through on where Hunter wants to go because we haven’t been skiing yet. Even just a few months without issues is a gift.”

She tugs on my shirt before I can say anything. “Let me enjoy this gift just a little bit longer, please? None of my family issues, just settling into living together, being a stronger couple, enjoying each other, please?”

I kiss her softly, then hug her tightly. “I won’t tell the others.”

“God. Thank you.” She exhales.

“Because you will ... when we get back to DC.”

“Chase,” She starts to complain.

“Oh no. You don’t want us keeping secrets, so you don’t get to keep this one. My dad is wrong about plenty of things, but he’s right when he said keeping things simple keeps people alive. We’re not going to start holding secrets from each other.

She swallows, obviously nervous. “Then I need you on my side about the no killing thing. Okay? As mafia boss, as my boyfriend. I need your support with this.”

She searches my eyes intently and I give in with a nod. “I can’t sanction that. He’s not involved in the business.” I flash a smile. “And haven’t you heard, I’m not the same kind of man my father is. I don’t believe in murder for all solutions.”

She kisses me softly, then winds her arms around me, pulling herself closer. She draws back just far enough to speak. “Lief and Hunter are still being sent out tonight so I can be all yours.”

“Maybe they’ll want to stay and drink with Gunner. I’m sure he could use a night out.” I murmur against her mouth.

“What a shame to not have them. I’ll need you to keep me busy so I don’t think the worst.” She smiles against me.

I chuckle and kiss her cheek. “Let’s make it through dinner first and then we’ll make our plans.”

She nods and runs her fingers through my hair. “I love you so much, Chase. It just grows every day, you know that?”

Tags: Barbi Cox Erotic