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Tonight, though?

These men are about to put me on the ‘multiple O’ train, and none of them have even been inside me yet.

That thought makes a surge of heated anticipation rush through me as I imagine what’s still to come. Any last inhibitions I might’ve had about doing this fall away as I thread the fingers of my free hand into Cain’s silky blond hair and grip the strands tightly, grinding against his face to chase my pleasure.

I’m probably close to suffocating the poor guy, but he doesn’t seem to mind one bit. His tongue works faster, slipping and sliding all over my clit before he stiffens it and drives it into my pussy the same way I hope like hell he’ll do later with his cock.

“Make her scream again,” Raven says hoarsely from the front seat, and I realize he’s still watching us. I can hear the strain in his voice, just like I can feel the heat of North’s cock against my lower back where he’s got me held between his legs.

They’re all getting turned on by this, and I haven’t really even touched them properly yet. Theylikethis. They each like watching and listening to what the others do to me.

Maybe that’s why I decide to give Raven exactly what he wants.

When Cain returns his attention to my clit, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud in rapid movements, I let my eyes fall shut as my mouth opens on a keening cry.

I’m thrashing between North and Cain, held in place by Cain’s strong hands and North’s firm body, barely aware of anything except the pure lightning bolt of pleasure that shoots through me as I come again.

Cain doesn’t let up either. He pushes me right to the edge of what I can take, continuing to lap at me as my clit turns even more sensitive in the aftermath of my second orgasm. When I give a sharp tug on his hair, he finally relents, lifting his head and grinning up at me as he licks his lips again.

His full lips are shiny with my arousal, and my stomach clenches at the way he trails his tongue over them like he’s still starving for the taste of me.

Holy shit. How the fuck did my night end up like this? Somehow, it went from being one of the worst evenings of my life to something I’m sure I’ll think about until my dying day.

“What does she taste like?” Raven rasps from the driver’s seat, and Cain glances up toward him as North reaches up to cup my breasts, rolling my nipples between his fingers through the fabric of my clothing.

“Like fucking heaven,” Cain reports, grinning slyly at me while he speaks. “Like the sweetest kind of honey.”

The car lurches as Raven speeds up, whipping around a Mercedes in front of us so fast that Cain, North, and I all slide sideways a little on the back seat. Cain throws his head back and laughs at his friend’s response, and I can’t help but grin too.

I only met these men a short time ago, but their easy camaraderie makes me feel like I’ve known them longer than I actually have. A giddy, happy feeling rushes through me, and I twist a little in North’s embrace so that I can find Raven’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

“Are we there yet?” I ask, dragging my lower lip through my teeth.

His nostrils flare, and he jerks the wheel again, cutting down a narrow side street where there are no cars in our way.

Cain and North both laugh, and North keeps teasing my breasts while Cain leans in to kiss me again. I can taste myself on his tongue, and it really does taste like fucking heaven.

Before we can lose ourselves in it too much, the car slides to a stop. The purr of the engine cuts out, and Cain pulls back, arching a brow at me as his lips curve up on one side.

“I think Raven wants a turn,” he murmurs sinfully.

He slides back and opens the door, helping me out of the car as North releases me from his hold. North gets out on the other side—or at least, I think he does. I don’t really get a chance to see, because as soon as my feet are on the ground, Raven appears in front of me. His expression is unreadable, but it’s hard to misinterpret the blazing heat in his eyes.

His large, calloused hands frame my face, and for just a second, time seems to slow. We’re suspended in that moment of breathless anticipation for a single heartbeat.

Then his lips crash down on mine.


Raven kisses the way he seems to do pretty mucheverything—silently and with single-minded focus.

His hands delve into my hair, angling my head up as he stands so close to me that our chests brush. He’s so tall that he has to drop his head a lot to make our lips meet, and even then, I’m nearly standing on my tiptoes. Something about the way he looms over me makes me feel tiny and fragile, and although those are feelings I normally hate, a gush of wetness dampens my panties.

I cling to his forearms, then reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, dragging him down even lower as I mold my body against his.

“Sweet,” he mutters, as if he’s confirming to himself that everything Cain told him in the car about the way I taste is true.

His voice is gruff, deeper than I’ve ever heard before—the few times he’s spoken, anyway—and he makes a sort of rumbling sound in his throat as he takes a few steps, walking me backward and pressing me up against the side of the car.

Tags: Sadie Moss Claimed by Monsters Fantasy