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Me: Bro, I’m outside. Hurry up.

My parents left shortly after I headed to my room. They didn’t say bye or anything. The only reason I knew they left was because I saw them pulling out of the driveway through my bedroom window.

I talked to Anderson before I left my house. He’s going to a frat party tonight too with the guys. I told him about the party I’m going to, but left Kalen out of it. I don’t really know why, but telling him about it felt weird. My friendship with Kalen is about as low key as it gets when it comes to our group of friends.

Kalen walks down his driveway now toward my car, his usual backpack slung over his shoulder and signature pretty boy smile on his face. He really is an attractive ass dude in a ghetto white boy type of way. He has a baby face, with deep brown eyes, thick dark brows, and full lips. His dirty blond hair is shaggy and slightly curly, and usually looks more brown than blond. He has a silver hoop through his nose and a barbell through his tongue, silver rings adorn his tattooed fingers, and he’s always dressed so comfortably, but in a way that still looks like he tried.

Tonight he’s got on ripped skinny jeans, an all-black hoodie, and high-top all white Nike Air Force Ones. He opens the back door, tossing his backpack in, then slides into my passenger seat. His subtle cologne fills the space, and he smells fuckinggood.

“’Sup, my man,” he says with a sly grin on his face as he takes me in.

“Whaddup, bro. Ready?”

“You know it. But first… party favors?” he asks, wiggling his brows at me.

Knew this was coming. It’s part of the reason—no, basically the only reason—I agreed to pick him up. I need to let off some steam, numb my mind, and Kalen has the means to do that. What I’m in the mood for is slightly more potent than my usual percs.

“Absolutely, dude. Right now?”

“Yeah, well, I got some molly with me—encapsulated—so we can pop ’em now and it’ll hit in once we get there.”

“Let’s do it.”

Swallowing the pill down with a huge swig of water, I turn up the music and make our way toward Bellingham.I Apologizeby Five Finger Death Punch pours through the car speakers, Kalen singing along and finger drumming on the dash. The vibe in the car is immaculate and I can already tell tonight is going to be amazing.

I’m surprised when my GPS pulls me up to an apartment complex. These types of parties are typically never in apartments, especially from rich ass Bellingham kids.Interesting. Don’t have an apartment number, but Kalen seems to know where to go, so I follow him, taking in my surroundings.

It isn’t a very big complex—three brick covered buildings total, about six units in each. A little older, a bit run-down. Lots of early 2000s Hondas and Acuras in the parking lot. Student apartments, if I had to guess. Harlow’s apartment is on the first floor and the music can be heard from down the hall. Definitely has to be student housing if this level of noise after ten o’clock is acceptable.

The overwhelming scent of marijuana tickles my nose as we walk through the front door. A game of what looks to be strip beer pong is going on at the cherry oak dining room table, and as I look around, I can spot blunts being wrapped and lines are being snorted off the glass top coffee table in the cramped living room. Music is playing from the mounted flat screen TV, and bodies litter the tiny kitchen, with red solo cups and bottles of liquor taking up the counter space.

It’s not a large party by any means, but with the size of the apartment, shit is tight.Oxy Cottonby Lil Wyte plays. Fuck, I haven’t heard this in a hot fucking minute. Now that we’re here, it makes perfect sense how Kalen knows Harlow. These are his type of people.

Leaning over, with my lips next to his ear, I ask, “Want a drink?”

He turns his head to look at me, but with how close I am, his breath fans my mouth. Smiling, his gaze falls from my eyes to my lips, his tongue dipping out to wet his own. “Yup, let’s go.”

I pour us each a tall shot of Captain Morgan while he grabs us each a Bud Light from the fridge. If I’m letting loose tonight, may as well get well and truly trashed while I’m at it.

“Cheers, fucker,” I drawl, clanking my shot glass with his and tossing it back. The spicy fire rolls down my throat, warming my chest immediately. As soon as the shot’s gone, the molly kicks in. The fluttery, floaty, euphoric feeling spreads through my bloodstream, reaching the depths of my soul. One look at Kalen, and the way his pupils have devoured his irises, lets me know the molly’s taken root inside his body too.

Warmth spreads through my entire body, my pulse kicks up, and suddenly fresh air sounds amazing. “Let’s go outside for a minute.” Without waiting for his response, I head toward the wide-open sliding glass door. A few other people are already out there, smoking or just conversing. They pay us no mind as we make our way to the grassy area.

Kalen pulls out a pack of smokes, looking at me and raising his brow in question. Smoking isn’t my thing, but when I’m rollin’, it appeals to me. Oral fixation and all that. Nodding my head, he sticks two in his mouth, lighting them both and handing me one.

Placing the cigarette between my lips and taking a deep drag, my lungs fill with the toxic smoke and my skin tingles in response.Take Me Insteadby Zero 9:36 plays inside the house, the sliding door still wide open. Inhaling more menthol smoke, my attention returns to Kalen, who’s already watching me. His pitch-black eyes are heavy as he brings his thumb up, mindlessly rubbing the side of his mouth.

In the matter of two minutes, we’ve somehow ended up inches from each other. Our arms are grazing each time we put them by our sides, and I can see the way the molly is making his lips quiver whenever the cigarette isn’t between them. His eyes drift down to my lips again before making their way back up to my eyes, like he’s trying to stare straight into my soul.

We really fucking shouldn’t go there, but with the drugs coursing through my system, it sounds like a fucking great idea. Putting our cigarettes out with our shoes at the same time, we lock eyes again, and it’s as if an unspoken conversation takes place. Both of us head back inside and down the hall into an empty room, with no words ever exchanged.

As soon as the heavy door closes, I’m shoving him against it. My hands go up on either side of his head, blocking him in, and my lips crash down on his. His lips are pillow soft, and as he opens his mouth and my tongue dives inside, he tastes like nicotine and reckless resolve.

A shot of electric wildfire licks my veins as he grabs my hips, pulling me flush, letting me know just how into this he is. His stiff erection rubs against my steadily growing one as I swallow his moans. Our tongues work in tandem, dancing and gliding along each other’s. Tasting and exploring every realm and crevice of our mouths.

Capturing his bottom lip between my teeth, I bite until I taste copper, then soothe it with the flick of my tongue. A groan erupts from deep within his chest at the mixture of pleasure and pain, his hips thrusting to meet mine.

Tags: Ashley James The Deepest Desires Romance