Page 6 of Broken Biker

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Guilt rages through me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean... I mean, I know you didn’t expect me to sleep with you... I shouldn’t have...”

The more I talk, the more my thoughts get jumbled. Kane reaches for me and puts a calming hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay, Allison. I know what you meant. I'll give you some time to shower, and then some more of the guys will be back. I'd like to introduce you to them."

I take a deep breath and let it out. I should argue with him and tell him I’m not going to take his room, but I know it would be pointless. So instead, I mumble, “Okay."

He walks down the hallway we just came through, and I close the door behind him.

I pick the bag up that he’d dropped on the floor and put it on the bed. Restless, I start to walk around the room. I know I don't need to be nosy, and this man has been nothing but nice to me, but I can't help but be drawn to the photo that is positioned in the corner of the mirror. I look closely, and it's a little blond-haired boy. Is Kane a dad? Damn, I wonder if he's married. I don't know why that irks me, but it does.

I take my mind off all of it and go through the bag that Violet gave me. There are jeans, T-shirts, a bra, a toothbrush that's still in the package, a hairbrush, a little thing of mascara, and even a brand-new pack of panties. I don't know how her husband pulled it all off, but he gathered everything that I would need. I grab a change of clothes and walk into the attached bathroom.

I shower quickly, even though what I want to do is take my time. I get dressed, brushing my hair out and letting it lie wet across my shoulders. I'm barely back into the room when there's a knock at the door. My stomach does a weird fluttering, and I wonder if it’s Kane back already. I put a smile on my face, and instead of telling whoever to come in, I go toward it and open it slightly. A woman is standing at the door, and I open it wider. I force a smile on my face, even though she's scowling at me. She's holding up a pair of tennis shoes that are dangling from her fingers. "The pres said to bring you shoes and see if you need anything."

"Thank you," I tell her genuinely, taking the shoes from her hand. I point to my heels over in the corner of the room. “I definitely wouldn't want to wear those the whole time I'm here.”

The woman seems to size me up as she looks over me from head to toe. "Oh yeah, do you plan on being here long?"

I can tell that she doesn't like the sound of that. I shake my head, wondering if this is Kane's girlfriend or maybe the mother of his son.

I probably shouldn't, but instantly I dislike her. But I think the feeling is mutual because the longer that she stands there, the deeper her scowl gets. Finally, I answer her. "No, I don't think I'm going to be here long at all, actually."

"That’s good because..." But before she can even get the words out, Kane is standing behind her. "That'll be all, Ashley."

With one last dirty look, she walks out of the room. She smiles at Kane, but he doesn’t even look at her. No, he’s looking at me, and his gaze is intense. I had thought I was imagining the way he looks at me, but maybe not.

Kane is filling up the entire doorway as he stares at me. I don't know what it is, but I feel hot all over when he looks at me the way he is right now. I wait for the guilt to come. I'm a widow of two days. My husband just died, and I definitely shouldn't be thinking the thoughts that I'm thinking right now with Kane. I’m sure he’d probably freak out if I acted on what I want to do to him right now.

But the guilt never does come. The longer that he stands there watching me, the more it affects my body. I can feel my nipples harden against the bra. I cross my arms over my chest and try to hide the emotion in my voice. "Did you need something, Kane?"



Ican't take my eyes off of Allison. Her eyes are still tired, but as she looks at me with her fresh clean face and her wet hair, I can’t help but think she looks beautiful. I have no doubt that the guys are going to love her. Fuck, Reaper looks like he could be a Hollywood model or something, and most women fall at his feet. Jealousy sparks inside of me, and it's a foreign feeling for me. I normally could care less what a woman does, but I know it would gut me if Allison was to fall under Reaper’s charm.

My voice is gruffer than I expected it to be. "Come on. It gets a little rowdy, but I want you to meet everyone."

She walks beside me down the hall. "Trust me, nothing is as rowdy as a room full of politicians."

A laugh escapes me. I gesture for her to walk in front of me, and as we walk down the hall, I glance at her ass and the way the denim fits against her shapely butt.

The big room of the clubhouse is now full of people. I grab two beers from behind the counter and bring her one. She looks at it almost greedily and takes big swallows until half of it is gone. "Shit. I'm sorry, I probably should have given you some water or something. How long has it been since you've eaten?"

She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "I ate at Violet's. I guess I was just thirsty," she says, her face red.

I introduce her to a few of the guys, but one glance from me, and they find their way across the room. I don't know what it is, but I want to keep her close and the guys at a distance. "What do you all do?" she asks as she takes another drink of her beer.

"We own the bar and the bike shop. They're both next door." She nods, but from her face, I can tell she knows that I'm not telling her all of it. Before she can ask another question, Reaper is making his way to us. He was on the bike earlier, but he never did get to meet her.

"Well, well, well," he says, as he approaches us. "What have we got here?"

Allison turns in her chair and smiles up at him. The growl that escapes me is almost instant. I put my fist on the table in front of me. My voice is low but lethal. "She's off limits, Reaper."

He looks at me with a challenge. I can't say that I blame him. Most men don't go against me for anything, but I guess when it comes to Allison, some men don't care about what they should and shouldn't be doing.

"She yours?" he asks me.

I know he's surprised by my possessiveness of her. I'm known for not liking women, but really, it's only one woman that I dislike. "Yeah, she's mine," I tell him without even hesitating. Allison is speechless. Her mouth falls open as she looks between Reaper and me. As soon as I tell Reaper that she's mine, he nods and lifts the beer in his hand. "It was nice to meet you, ma'am," he says to her respectfully before turning away.

Tags: Hope Ford Romance