She slid out of her seat and pinned a smile on her face, very conscious that his parents were now close enough to hear what they were saying.
Even so they wouldn’t have heard what Roman said when he bent close, his lips almost brushing her ear; she barely caught the husky words herself.
‘Well, if they don’t love you, remember I do, and that’s what counts.’
All Scarlet had time to do was shoot him a stunned slack-jawed look before they were knee-deep in hugs and introductions.
It was ironic considering how much she had been dreading this meeting, and how carefully she had planned what she was going to say down to the last detail and inflection, that when it arrived she didn’t have the faintest idea what she said or whom she said it to!#p#????#e#
The whole thing passed by in a blur, a dream. Her mind was elsewhere.
He said he loved me.
It was possible that saying it out loud might make it seem more real. But Scarlet retained just enough self-control to stop herself trying out the theory.
‘I hope you like the room.’
Scarlet smiled a little vaguely. ‘Room…?’
‘I hope you like this room,’ Natalia repeated patiently.
‘Of course, it’s a lovely room.’ She spared the beautifully furnished bedroom a cursory glance, which lingered longest on the bed she was to share with Roman.
‘Sam is in the connecting room—I thought that would be best.’
‘Sam!’ Scarlet looked around the room, alarm jolting her belatedly to an alert state. ‘Where is he?’
Natalia looked at her strangely. ‘He has gone to look at the puppies in the kitchen, remember? You said it would be all right. I can get him if you like.’
Deeply embarrassed, Scarlet blushed. ‘Of course…no, that’s all right. He’s always wanted a dog.’
‘All children like puppies and Alice is with him. He’ll be fine.’
Alice, Scarlet seemed to recall, dredging through her vague memories of the past few minutes, was the tall blonde who had been introduced as Roman’s PA. Roman’s father had turned out to have an appearance that matched his intimidating reputation: a big, burly man with a shock of grey hair and an abrupt manner.
‘Yes, I’m sure he will.’
‘You must be tired after the journey. If you’d like to lie down for a while before dinner you may. Hopefully Luca will be here by then and you’ll be able to meet all the family.’
There was only one member of the O’Hagan family she wanted to see at that moment and he was closeted in the study taking a vital call.
She didn’t think much of his priorities!
‘I am tired,’ Scarlet agreed, relieved to have a legitimate reason to explain away behaviour that had to seem pretty bizarre to the other woman. ‘Maybe I’ll have a shower, or a walk.’
She doubted whether ten cold showers were going to make her any more articulate. It was so typical of Roman to say something like that and then get himself called away.
‘Well, I’ll be in the drawing room if you want me and I’m sure Roman won’t be long,’ Natalia said as if reading her mind. ‘Would you like some tea brought up to your room?’
‘No, thank you, I might wait for Roman.’
SCARLET did wait but, contrary to his mother’s prediction, Roman was long, or at least it seemed that way to Scarlet. She had unpacked her clothes and Sam’s in the pretty adjoining room, which looked suspiciously as though it had been recently decorated. Someone, probably their hostess, had gone to a lot of trouble to make them feel welcome and comfortable. She felt a pang of guilt when she realised how ungrateful she must have seemed.
She reached the point where she had half convinced herself he hadn’t said anything at all and she had imagined the whole thing when she decided enough was enough. If she sat here any longer, her thoughts going around in circles, she’d go quietly barmy, and she was neglecting her duty as a parent.
She was pretty sure that Sam would be where the puppies were and they were in the kitchen.
Scarlet found the warm cosy room with its original range and modern day appliances, and tried to apologise to Alice for Sam being a nuisance. But Alice, clearly not immune to the charm of his big brown eyes, announced that Sam wasn’t bothering her and they were enjoying themselves.#p#????#e#
The cook had given them the run of the kitchen so long as they cleaned up after themselves and Alice, with Sam’s help, planned to make a batch of scones.
Helping involved a lot of flour and Scarlet left him happily up to his armpits in the stuff.
Making her way back from the domestic offices to the main part of the rambling house was not as easy as it sounded. When Scarlet found herself back in the boot room for the second time she began to think she might be doomed to wander the below-stairs corridors for ever.