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When he finally broke the kiss, Reika closed her eyes and tilted her head, exposing her lovely, light-tanned skin up as an offering. "Bite me, Stone. I want your fangs in me. Now."

His fangs throbbed, and with a growl, he leaned down and plunged them into her flesh.

He felt her orgasm, her cunt gripping and releasing him, the combination of lapping her blood and feeling her around his cock the best kind of torture.

And despite holding out for as long as he could, Stone finally stilled his hips and emptied into his bride. His vampire instinct happy, their claim now complete.

Reika was theirs, and every vampire or shifter would be able to see his bite claim on her neck.

After he'd spilled his last drop, he slowly pulled away from her neck, licked the puncture marks to seal them, and laid his forehead against her jaw. "Fuck, Reika. How could you taste so bloody good?"

She stroked his back. "Well, my power is to make organic things taste better. I guess my magic must've done that to me as well."

At her teasing tone, he chuckled, rolled onto his back, and pulled Reika half over his chest. He kissed her forehead and held her close. He nearly said he loved her, but held back, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Reika finally lifted her head and met his gaze. "You're not going to pass out on me, are you?"

He resisted yawning. "Maybe. Why?"

She propped her hands on his chest and then supported her chin with them. "Because I have lots and lots of questions. And I think having you full of happy chemicals and still high from your orgasm might make you more open to me."

He stroked her cheek. "You're more devious than I gave you credit for." She smiled slowly, and at the sly look, he chuckled. "You are bloody marvelous, Reika Hashimoto." And before he could think better of it, he blurted, "Will you become my bride and wife in truth? Will you marry me?"

When she blinked and remained silent, he wondered if he'd just fucked up.


Reika was oddly energetic despite two orgasms and having her vein tapped by Stone. Her male was not in the same boat, though, as he looked about ready to fall asleep.

And yet, she didn't want to end their amazing first time together with him passing out. Not when she desperately wanted to know some more of his past, especially about the scars on his back.

Because if she could get the bad memories out of the way now, they could start planning all the good ones to come together.

Then Stone asked her to marry him. Which she wanted to do, of course. But a part of her wondered if it was the post-orgasm happy-happy that made him ask her.

His eyes shuttered, as if thinking he'd messed up, and Reika found her voice again. "I'm not saying no, Stone. But it was kinda out of nowhere, right?"

His expression relaxed a fraction. "So you're not trying to think of a nice way to tell me to sod off?"

She shook her head, kissed his lips gently, and then stated, "Of course not. But before I give an answer, I have a few questions."

His gaze turned wary. "Such as?"

She knew spilling even more of his heart out wouldn't be easy. He'd barely talked at all when she'd first met him and had already revealed so much.

But she truly wanted to help him move past what he'd endured, and for that, he needed to tell someone about it.

To help give him some encouragement and relax a little, Reika decided to give him a nice view while asking her questions. So she straddled his hips and laid her hands on his solid, firm chest. His gaze darted to her breasts, and she felt his muscles relax under him. Just as she'd thought, boobs on display made him not think so hard about everything he didn't want to say, or to be so cautious.

Just for the heck of it, she gave a little shimmy. Stone's pupils turned huge, and he growled. "Are you trying to seduce me again, love?"

Every time he said the endearment, it made her all warm and gooey inside. However, she brushed past the feeling. She was determined to clear the air about his past so they could make a bright, happy, and probably super sex-filled future. "No, just trying to relax you, and it worked. Like I said, I have some questions. Answer them, and I'll give you my answer. Hint: It's going to make you a happy male."

The last traces of uneasiness faded from his gaze, slowly replaced by pure, unadulterated joy. The sight made her throat tighten. To think she could bring him so much happiness to another was still hard to swallow.

He said gruffly, "Then ask whatever you want."

"Anything? Are you sure?"

Tags: Jessie Donovan Paranormal