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The thought of being the one to help him see all the good in life, the laughter, the ability to open up and not think people would abandon you, or sell you, or some other horrible thing clinched how she would respond.

Well, after she had one more answer, at any rate. Condoning murder to escape hell was one thing but doing it willy-nilly was another.

She propped her elbows on the table and asked, "Were those two the only ones you've killed?"

He frowned a beat, looking at her like he couldn't believe she was still in the same room, and finally replied, "I did kill a few others, but only when I was fighting for my life. I went on a rescue mission with Leo earlier this year, to retrieve his kidnapped nephew, and I had to kill someone who was trying to kill me first."

The fact he was so honest and upfront made any lingering doubts or apprehensions fade away.

Reika nodded, moved a hand to lay it on the table, palm up, and stated, "Then I'm not giving up yet, Stone. Self-defense and wanting to be free, like in your past, are reasons I can understand for doing what you did. I'm not sure I could ever do it myself, although I'll never know until the moment happens. However, it doesn't make me hate you, or despise you, or anything like that." She wiggled her fingers. "I have a feeling you're not used to comfort, but I want to give you a little. No one's here to see if we hold hands."

It was an innocent, almost middle-school type thing to suggest. And yet she didn't want to brush past this important moment and entice him to sleep with her straight away. Lust and sex were one thing, but if she was going to marry him, she needed the whole package.

After what seemed like an hour but was probably only a minute, he placed his much larger, rougher hand in hers.

Ignoring the spark that traveled up her arm at his touch, Reika curled her fingers around his and squeezed. "See? The world didn't end." She lowered her voice dramatically. "You could even smile, and no one would ever know."

His lips twitched, and so Reika shook her head. "Not good enough. Where's that smile I know is dying to get out? The one that makes you so sexy?"

He did grin then and the sight made her heart warm. "You're bloody ridiculous at times."

She shrugged. "Sometimes life needs to be a little ridiculous. It helps us cope with all the hard times, or sad things, or insert awful thing here." She knew she couldn't completely blow past what he'd revealed, so Reika did her best to be serious. "As for what you told me, I'll admit I was shocked at first. But I understand why you did what you did. I can't even imagine being owned and controlled against my will for that long. However, the most important thing is you survived, Stone." She squeezed his hand again. "And if you need to talk about it, I'm around. I promise to always listen and take in what you say without judgement."

He searched her gaze and she waited to see if he'd believe her or not.

And if not, then she didn't know if there was much chance of a future for them.

* * *

Despite being nearlyfifty years old, Stone had never sat and held someone's hand before.

Any female he'd been with had been for a night, to slake his shifter-half's drive for sex, and nothing else. Not even his mother or Mary from back when he lived in the brothel had showed him much affection.

And yet, Reika's much smaller hand squeezing his did something to his heart that he wanted to ignore.

He didn't do softness, or gentleness, or had imagined he could be worth someone's time or affection.

Reika Hashimoto was dangerous because she made him want things he'd never dared dream of before.

Then she offered to listen to him anytime, anywhere, and he saw nothing but honesty in her eyes.

With anyone else, he'd scoff. But with this female from the future? He didn't want to do that. No, he could imagine having actual conversations instead of glaring, and grunting, and trying to scare people off.

And he vowed right then and there to be honest with her, no matter how bloody difficult it might be. "Thank you. Sharing anything with others is new, but the fact you offered to listen to anything reveals more of your character."

She grinned, and Stone stopped breathing. Not only was Reika kind, positive, and sometimes amusing, she was also so fucking beautiful. She replied, "Well, as much as the sexy, broody version of Stone caught my attention, this honest, hand-holding version is way better."

He grunted, unsure of how to reply to that. Emotions weren't his forte.

After squeezing his hand one last time, she released it and he nearly reached for her but somehow restrained himself.

Reika fetched the bowls with the mush and slid his in front of him. "Eat. And then we're going to do something fun. And no, not the hot and bothered version. At least not tonight. Date night first. Hot and sweaty times later."

He raised his brows. "Date night? What's that?"

"What do you call it in this time period? Wooing, I think? But not quite so formal. I want to play a game, or cards, or something fun. How you win or lose will tell me a whole lot about you."

He shook his head. "I don't lose at cards."

Tags: Jessie Donovan Paranormal