Page 51 of Yours Forever

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They didn’t teach me that in business school, but I knew she was right. Letting Hunter get entangled in my latest business venture would only complicate things. But even though I knew it in my head, my heart didn’t care.

“It’s another connection between us,” I argued. “Even when he leaves in a few weeks, we have a reason to keep in touch.”

“That’s not necessarily a good thing,” she insisted. “I don’t like things being half-assed. Either shut up and kiss him, or let him go back to Portland in peace.”

“I can’t kiss him. He’s engaged.”

She groaned. “Then why are you entertaining these thoughts at all?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m a mess.”

One of the regulars sitting at the bar, a portly man in suspenders named Ralph, waved a hand to Lizzy. “Another IPA, sweetie-pie.”

She flashed a fake smile and said, “Coming right up.”

“You know what IPA stands for?” Ralph asked.

Lizzy drew his beer, poured off the excess foam, and placed it in front of him. “India Pale Ale?”

Ralph shook his head. “It stands forI Pinch Asses.” He leaned across the bar to try to do just that, but Lizzy was ready for it and playfully slapped his hand away.

“You’re too much!” she said with a laugh and another fake smile. The kind of smile we gave to all the customers who were just alittletoo friendly after a few drinks. Charlie, the front of house manager, would have immediately kicked Ralph out if we told him about it, but the last thing Lizzy and I wanted was to get a reputation as being stuck-up. We were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t.

One of the many ways it sucked to be a woman.

Lizzy turned back to me. “Erica, hon, you’re not a mess. You’re just love-struck. Which is all the more reason to tell him how you feel. You two are perfect for each other! If you don’t tell him…” She trailed off and nodded at the front door. “Speak of the devil.”

Hunter weaved through the brewery until he reached the bar. “Afternoon.”

“Hey,” Lizzy said, “aren’t you that famous internet guy?”

“I get that a lot,” Hunter joked back. He held up a check. “Money’s all moved over. Got your check right here.”

I took it from him and frowned. “Twenty-five thousand andonedollar?”

Hunter flashed his charming smile. “I didn’t want that old lady to own a bigger share than me. Now, whenYours Forever Gemstonesbecomes big and famous, I can brag about how I’m the number one investor.”

I giggled and said, “All the paperwork you signed was for twenty-five grand, even.”

“That’s fine. Even if I have the same stake as her on paper, I’ll know the truth.” He winked at me. “Speaking of that, how’d your meeting with her go? Any hiccups?”

I took another check out from my pocket and pulled it tight between both hands until it made apoppingsound. “It’s all official! Her name is Miriam Kuznetsova, and she isveryexcited. Although she wants to tell all her bingo friends that we specialize in gemstones made for animals.”

“You can do both,” Hunter replied. His eyes brightened and he added, “You can market them as Dachshund diamonds! Or German Shepherd sapphires!”

“Rottweiler rubies!” I added with a giggle.

Hunter slapped the bar with his palm. “Poodle pearls!”

The two of us laughed together. Lizzy shook her head and said, “You guys are too cute.”

She was giving me a look that said:I told you that you’re perfect for each other. I ignored it and turned back to Hunter.

“Poodle pearls is a good one, but the lab doesn’t produce pearls. Something about the calcium in them.”

“Aww, too bad,” Hunter replied. “The ads write themselves.”

“Speaking of ads, I want to pick your brain about that. You must have some experience with online advertising, right?”

Tags: K.T. Quinn Erotic