Page 48 of Warrior

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My threat made him smile.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from my men.”

An hour later, I slipped back in bed with Quincy. She stirred and rolled toward me. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her hair. My dick stirred.

I’d think about Lincoln. And Williams. And even Quincy’s father. Later.

I had my woman and a bed, and I was going to make the most of it. I gently rolled her onto her back and pulled the blankets down, revealing her perfect breasts. I took one nipple into my mouth and felt it harden against my tongue.

Quincy whimpered and shifted her hips.

I may have had her a few hours ago, but I wanted her again. Needed her.

“Kennedy,” she whispered, slowly waking up.

“Need you,” I breathed.

She stroked my hair and looked at me through the darkness. Her hand went to my shoulder and pushed. I fell onto my back, and she climbed over me, straddling my hips and then sinking down onto my hard dick. She was slick from my cum still deep inside her from earlier.

Her head tilted back as she moaned. I gripped her hips and helped her find her rhythm.

Fuck, she was gorgeous. Her pale skin, swaying breasts. Her pussy clenched around me.

I wanted her happy. Satisfied. I licked my thumb and reached between us, circled her clit, and I felt her clench.

“Good girl. Come for me.”

She got lost in the pleasure she wrung from my body, tumbling into her orgasm in a way that stunned me. I followed, sinking deep and not wanting to ever come out.

Quincy was mine, and nothing was going to change that.



The atmospherein Alpha Mountain HQ was sober as we discussed the latest developments. Kennedy and I had flown in this morning, and we were now all gathered in the sewing room, which was far too small to handle all of us, especially with the amount of tension we were radiating.

I’d been too queasy to eat breakfast this morning, which wasn’t unusual for me when I got up at o-dark-thirty, but I hadn’t really felt like eating lunch, either. The room was hot, and I didn’t have a chair, opting to stand in the doorway for fresh air, but now I was feeling a little lightheaded.

I might have to duck out and eat a little something.

“All this time, I thought Williams was one of the good ones. A true fucking leader!” Hayes growled. “But he’s the piece of shit behind all this.”

Ford took a swig from a glass of his grandmother’s iced tea. “It seems that way. We need solid proof to bring someone like him down, though.”

How he could be so calm when he finally had a name for the person who’d not only tarnished his reputation and had him thrown out of the military, but he’d had his best friend murdered.Andhad been handing off jobs not out of kindness but deceit.

I wasn’t sure why he didn’t want to hurl, too. Or throw something. Shoot something. Hell, blow something up, preferably the admiral himself.

“Or we just kill him in his bed,” Hayes suggested, making Taft, our resident Boy Scout, shoot him an alarmed look. I, for one, was all for it. But if that was the plan, it’d been done by now. By Ford himself.

“That won’t clear Ford’s name,” Kennedy pointed out. “We need this whole thing dismantled, and that means getting evidence. If we don’t do it right, Ford will look even more guilty. Us, along with him.”

“That’s what Lincoln is working on,” Ford reminded. Kennedy had told the guys that he’d gone to pay their former CO a visit last night. While I’d been sleeping. I’d known nothing about it, and I’d given Kennedy a death glare when I’d learned he’d left me in the dark. I couldn’t say anything because then everyone would know we’d been in bed together, and that I slept like the dead.

I was angry that he hadn’t told me, but I grudgingly understood. I couldn’t have gone. I could fly a helicopter, but breaking and entering wasn’t my specialty. I also didn’t know the man, and I would’ve only been a distraction. Or annoyance.

If Kennedy wanted the guy to talk, one on one had been the way to go.

Tags: Renee Rose Romance