Page 37 of Warrior

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She squeezed again, her channel tight around my cock. “Oh my God.” Her body went slack. “Kennedy.”

I kept our hips glued together and dropped to my side to spoon her. “That was only three,” I murmured against her ear. “I’ve got my assignment, and I’ll complete my mission. Don’t you worry.”

Her laugh made me feel like a warrior.



Six orgasms.

Kennedy was freaking out of his mind. Well, actually, he’d sent me out of mine. The man had the stamina of a bull. If the military had a breeding program, he would’ve been the Navy SEAL of breeders.

Ha. That was an amusing thought. I should have written that fantasy up and posted it on an erotic story website where the female sailors sought masturbatory fodder when on tour. My old teammates would have loved me for it.

Now, as I lay in Kennedy’s arms, limp as a ragdoll, wrung out by pleasure, my brain slowly came back online.

“Youreallyhaven’t had sex with anyone else since Qatar?” I demanded, breathing in the sweaty scent of sex.

“Nope.” He said it so easily and immediately I had to believe him. Why would he lie? He was a notorious womanizer. You’d think it would hurt his male ego to admit he’d been celibate for the nearly two years since we’d parted.

“I mean…” I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it. “You weren’twaitingfor me. It’s not like we had any kind of agreement after that night. You weren’t actively chasing me or anything since we both had our work. The SEALs sent you one way. I went another.”

“Well, I may be a player, but I do consider myself a gentleman. I always respect a woman when she tells me no.” He slid his hand up from my waist to cup my breast and lightly strummed my nipple with his thumb. “Besides, it’s not like I had much of a chance. I didn’t see you again until Ford hired you, and then you were sort of off limits.” He kissed my shoulder. “You technically still are. Ford told me if I fuck things up with you, he’d fire my ass.”

“What?” I rolled over in his arms and nestled up against his side. He had golden hair on his chest that made him seem leonine. He was definitely all king of the jungle. Wild. Feral, yet ruthlessly controlled. Anyone who fell for his casual nature had never seen him on a mission.

“Yep. I guess you’re more useful than I am when it comes to the team.”

“No chance of that. But what do you mean fuck things up with me? Does that mean he was encouraging you to…pursue me?”

Fordwantedus to be together. It couldn’t be good for team dynamics.

“No.” Kennedy gave a dry laugh. “The opposite. He wants me to keep my dick in my pants.” He went silent, and I thought I sensed a change in him. A stiffness.

“What?” I pried.

Kennedy just shook his head. “Nobody believes I could be serious about a woman–yourself included. Maybeespeciallyyou.”

“Well, you literally told me in Qatar you would never settle down.”

He turned his head to look at me, wincing. “I did? Fuck. No wonder you ran.”

I shook my head, my hair most likely a wild snarl on the pillow. “I didn’t run. I was shipped out, and then so were you. But yeah. I thought you made things pretty clear.”

“That wasn’t–” He turned his face back to the ceiling and stared for a minute. “I guess I meant it at the time. I’d just gotten to know you a little. The experience hadn’t soaked in yet, and after, when we were sent to our next mission in Africa, the distance had me realizing what we had was… more. Special. I wanted more from you.”

I didn’t like the way my heart seemed to be beating outside my chest. I shouldn’t care so much about the direction of this conversation. I didn’t plan on pursuing a relationship with Kennedy. Hell, I hadn’t planned on climbing into his bed again.

I wasn’t much for following my own orders when it came to this devilish man, though, was I? I’d thought he was a womanizer, and I’d had sex with him twice. Three times, if I counted Qatar. It seemed he was impossible to resist, even with what I thought of him.

Which had been wrong.

“You soaked into me, too,” I admitted, apparently losing my sanity again.

Kennedy rolled to face me, leaning up on his elbow. “Here’s the thing. I became a sworn bachelor at thirteen as soon as I figured out the path my parents had laid out for me.”

I went still, listening. I actually knew nothing about his past. His home life. Where he came from. Hell, I didn’t even know his real name. I didn’t realize how hungry I was for it, though.

Tags: Renee Rose Romance