Page 26 of Warrior

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He grinned. “Must be hard to go from your old lifestyle to this.” He waved his hand to indicate Sparks.

A fight song cut through the sound of the jaws of life. My gaze took in the playing field beyond and the marching band that was practicing. Football players were working drills. School started next week.

This was real life. The real world. What the SEALs went to war for. Normal, everyday activities. Up at Alpha Mountain, we had a fancy and complex obstacle course. A helicopter–which was out now as part of this exercise–and a cache of weapons and explosives that would make the sheriff shit his pants if he knew about it.

Being a SEAL wasn’t normal life. Being a mercenary didn’t change that all too much. I didn’t have to wear a uniform or report up a chain of command but our view of the world was skewed. Our Saturday mornings didn’t include marching band practice. Or even a real car accident call.

Maybe that was why I was drawn to Quincy. She knew the score.Ourreal world. Life and death.

“It’s definitely different,” Hayes said. “I like it here.”

“Heard you locked down Megan Hager.”

Hayes’ gaze narrowed on the chief, but the man didn’t seem to be messing with him. Only stating fact.

“That’s right.”

“Good. My brother went to elementary school with her. She gave him a black eye in dodgeball. I’ll never forget him coming home from school with a shiner. From a girl.”

The rotors of a helicopter had us looking toward the mountain. It was headed our way. Here on the ground, three people with neon orange sticks spread out on the back section of the parking lot to form the perimeter of a landing pad.

We watched as Quincy slowly brought the chopper over the high school then carefully lowered down and into the center of the landing area. The wind kicked up, and I squinted against the dust. Cutting the rotors, the engine quieted, and the blades slowly came to a stop.

Ford, along with Indi and two others, hopped out of the back and pulled out a pretend hiking victim on a backboard and carried him to the ambulance.

“That helicopter is real handy,” the chief said. “A big help around here.”

I agreed, but I was thinking more about the pilot. How amazing she was. Talented.

I watched as she took off her headset then climbed out. Her feet hit the asphalt, and she shook hands with someone who’d been a passenger. From the outfit, he was Search and Rescue.

“She one of yours?” the chief asked.

Not one of ours. She’s mine,I thought.

All mine. I knew every inch of that body. How she looked when she slept, when she came. When she smiled. I knew her on a mission. I just… knew her.

“Quincy. Our pilot. Former Navy,” Hayes told him.


My hackles went up from him complimenting her.

“Gotta get back to training.” He slapped me on the shoulder and trotted off toward the totaled car and his crew.

“Thought you were going to rip his head off there for a moment. We’d have a real casualty event,” Hayes said, turning to me and crossing his arms over his chest.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You going all beast mode over Quincy.”

I frowned.

Hayes tipped his head back and laughed. “Either you’re an idiot, or you think I’m stupid. Since I’m not stupid, then you’re a fucking idiot.”

“Jesus, I have no idea what that means.”

“It means everyone knows about you and Quincy.”

Tags: Renee Rose Romance