Page 22 of Warrior

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He didn’t make me admit it. I didn’t kiss and tell and wouldn’t disrespect Quincy by doing so.

“You fuck the team up, I might have to get rid of one of you.”

I slowed and gritted my teeth. Ford was one of my best friends, and I had his back. But this? Accusing me of being a dick with Quincy? I didn’t like what he was insinuating.

“You won’t fire her for this,” I snapped, protecting the woman.

“I wasn’t talking about her.”

I stopped this time and turned and faced Ford.

“I’d never hurt her.”

“You did. What was it? In Qatar?”

“How the hell do you know that?” I wondered.

A whistle came from behind me. Hayes. Yeah, we were slowing shit down. I turned around and double-timed it to catch up.

“It was right about when she started ignoring you completely,” he said. “I’m guessing you two got it on one night on base, and it went south.”

It didn’t go south. The only thing south was the direction I’d headed on her body.

“She still ignores me,” I replied, skipping the sex replay. I could jog for miles and not get winded. Same went for the others. The downside was a convo like this one with Ford. There was no escape.

“Which means she still has feelings for you.”

I tried to ignore the leap of excitement that pronouncement gave me. I wanted Quincy to want me. After the other night, I was even more confident that she was the one for me. Like Indi was for Ford or Megan for Hayes.

Except Ford was right. If shit went bad between us, it would be a nightmare on the team.

“I’m not sure if that’s true. But even if it was, I wouldn’t hurt her,” I told him, which all but admitted that we’d been together. That I had feelings of my own.

“You already have,” he said.

“No, bro. You have it all wrong.” Quincy was the one who’d insisted it was just sex, and she didn’t want more. She grabbed her clothes and walked out, my cum dripping from her. It wasn’t the other way around.

“You sure about that?”

Still, I started to slow, mulling it all over, and Ford slapped me on the back and ran ahead.

Fuck me.Was her rejection of me really a disguise for hurt?

Had I hurt her? Was I hurting her now? No. It couldn’t be. Quincy was strong as hell. I hadn’t taken anything from her, I’d given.

But now wasn’t the time to have a tea party with my emotions. We were about to meet up with ruthless drug lords and most likely kill them with double taps. I’d steer my anger where it belonged.

On them.

Up ahead, I heard shots fired, and I was instantly on alert. My training kicked in.

It was go time.



“It’s a surface wound.”Kennedy hit me with that lazy smile of his–the one that made his dimples wink, and I wanted to knock him upside his bleeding head.

Tags: Renee Rose Romance