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I will not confirm her suspicions. I will not let Miss Storey’s reputation be marred.


Luke had been knocking impatiently for so long on the door to his sister’s house that he thought no one must be at home. When the butler did eventually answer the door, Noah appeared beside him.

“What is all this racket?” Noah asked, bleary-eyed as he yawned. Still dressed, Luke judged his brother-in-law must have fallen asleep on the settee, judging by the way he struggled to stand straight and stretch his muscles. “Luke? This is a late hour to call.”

Luke stepped in, eager to speak.

“I know, but you were not at the ball, and I had to speak to you and Jemima.” Luke said no more, despite his agitation, yet it seemed to be enough to make Noah alert.

“Come this way, my friend.” Noah put his arm around Luke’s shoulders and steered him forward to the sitting room, never once asking him what was wrong. He merely led him forward until they were in the room. “Drink?”

“Yes, please.”


“Anything,” Luke murmured.

“Then you have had a bad night.” Noah set about pouring a glass of brandy from a drink’s cabinet in the corner of the room when Jemima stepped in, her eyes going wide when she saw Luke.

“Luke? Is something wrong?” she asked, hurrying toward him. Luke went to stand to greet her, but she reached him first and sat on the settee beside him, taking his hand with her own. “You look wan, how pale indeed. I hope you are not sick.” She lifted the back of her hand to his forehead, checking his temperature. Luke smiled a little at the action, comforted by his sister’s love.

“I feel perfectly well, Jemima. It is just that I….” The words faltered on his tongue. He didn’t know how to put all that he was feeling into words, even with his sister waiting so patiently beside him.

“Here, get that down you. It has a habit of making men’s tongues loose.” Noah reached his side and pressed the brandy glass into his hand.

Luke thanked him and had a hearty swig, enjoying the burn as he tried to gather his thoughts.

“Has something upset you, brother?” Jemima asked, her voice soft.

“Yes,” Luke confessed with a nod. He scrunched his eyes closed, thinking of one person only.

Miss Annie Storey.

He thought of their kiss and their passion for one another, then he thought of the way they had been forced to be apart from each other all night. He had barely glanced in her direction, fearful of being watched by the Duchess of Bannerman. It left him cold and saddened, for he had missed Miss Storey and had longed to be the one conversing and laughing with her all night.

“I do not really know what to say,” Luke said after a minute with a shrug.

“Shall we guess instead what upsets you?” Noah said playfully and took the seat opposite them.

“Noah, please.” Jemima glanced at him with a tired look.

“I think it will help, love, look at him. Your brother can barely string two words together.”

Luke used the opportunity to take another swing of brandy, offering no more words.

“Let us see then….” Noah sat forward and rubbed his hands together as if in deep thought. “What could be bothering you…is it money?” Luke made no reaction, keeping his eyes down on the brandy. “Not money then. It cannot be alcohol, for you appeared very sober coming here tonight. Is there a problem at home in your household to do with the staff?” Still, Luke stared down at his brandy glass. “An affair of the heart, perhaps?”

Luke looked up, meeting Noah’s gaze.

“Ah, now we are getting somewhere,” Noah said slowly. “Would it be Miss Storey that is bothering you so?”

Luke lifted a hand, rubbing his eyes, though really, he was trying to hide.

“Did you compromise her, Luke?” Jemima asked in a panicked whisper.

“No!” Luke said quickly, lowering his hand. “I may have done—”

Tags: Meghan Sloan Historical