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“I think a drink may do the task better.” Annie was about to turn away when Lord Yeatman offered his hand to her.

“Then I will secure you a drink after our dance.” With his hand outstretched toward her, it would have been the height of rudeness to refuse him. She placed her hand in his, realising she could not get out of it. The warmth that seemed to press through her glove at his touch she tried to ignore, but what was even more difficult to forget was the way the ladies sniggered as they walked off together, and Annie was forced to release Peggy’s hand.

“I am not fond of your new friends,” Lord Yeatman whispered to her as he drew her across the room.

“They are Peggy’s friends, not mine, but if you and I are to judge improper behaviour, then there is another matter we must discuss first.” As they reached the side of the dance floor, they had to wait a few bars of music for the last piece to end. It gave Annie the chance to pull on Lord Yeatman’s hand so that he shifted his focus down to her, those dark eyes intense on her once more. “I know what you are doing.”

“What am I doing?” he asked, purporting innocence. “I merely wish to enjoy another dance with you. Is that so awful? To be the lady in the room whose company I desire more than any other’s?”

“Do not say such things,” Annie spoke firmly, ignoring the way her toes curled in her shoes at his words. She rather wished they were true, but she knew they were not.

He is a rake. He says such things to all ladies.

“Why should I not?” he whispered to her.

“Because you are playing with me, and I will not fall for your games, my lord.”

“You suspect me of more art than I am capable of. That is no lie.” He kept his eyes wide on her. She could have believed him in that moment, but then he smiled once more, and she couldn’t figure out if he was jesting or not. “Let us take to the floor.”

The music changed, and the couples moved over. As they took their positions, they curtsied and bowed, then the music began, and they moved together for a cotillion. When his hand found her waist, Annie knew what a mistake this dance was.

I should have found a way to say no.

Tags: Meghan Sloan Historical