Hey, the damn things were free. She might as well take advantage of it! She was on vacay-mode. Bring all the booze! She would need the courage to delve into the meaning of her life.I’m fine. This is all still fine.

Portia pointed toward the empty glass. “Do you have any idea how strong we make the drinks here? We’re trying to get all kinds of creatures drunk off their asses. Word to the wise, you might want to take it easy.”

Ruby shook her head. “Screw that. I’m not wise, and I never claimed to be. Bring on the buzz. I need a holiday more than my next breath.”

“Ha!” Portia slapped her leg as she laughed. “A holiday? Wonderful. From what?”

“Life. Work. You name it, I need a break from it.”

Portia arched a brow at her niece. “Sweetie, we steal souls for a living. Of course, you need a holiday. It’s tiring work.”

“Umm,” Ruby rolled her eyes, “we seduce unsuspecting men and steal their souls. That’s not exactly what I call a recipe for a fun life, no.”

“Then you are picking the wrong men, sweetie. You don’t have to torture yourself through this. It can be fun.” Portia wiggled her brows suggestively. “Some of my favorite bedmates have gone to hell since our time together, and we still visit each other. By which I mean …”

Ruby closed her eyes and stuffed her index fingers into her ears. “Oh, for the love of souls, I know what you mean.”

“Given that you just totally blasphemed, I’m still gonna tell you. I still meet up with some of my old victims for some naked time.Horizontalnaked time that leaves all involved parties satisfied. Multiple times.”

“Oh, wow. I didnotneed to know that.”

“Sure you did. You’re not doing the job right if you don’t like it. You have to make the job into something you like. Find a way to enjoy it.”

Ruby twirled the straw in the new drink one of the bartenders brought over, but she didn’t say anything more. Portia studied her for a few moments.

“It’s not like I have much of a choice, do I? I’m a succubus. I’m meant to do this one thing forever, and honestly? I’m already sick of it.”

“And it’s only been a couple thousand years.” Portia’s beautiful face folded with worry. “Are you okay, kiddo? Did something happen?”

Her niece was quiet. “I told you. I need a break.”

“Right. Well, let Auntie Portia make it all better.” She patted her hand.

Ruby knew Portia wasn’t convinced, but if Ruby insisted that she was fine, her aunt would see right through her. Instead, Ruby chose to cover her own ass and deflect. Much safer.

“I thought you didn’t want me to call you my aunt while I’m staying here.” Of course, the second the words were out of her mouth, she felt just like she did as a kid, and Roja, her eldest sister, teased her. Mom had little sympathy for her youngest daughter, but Aunt Portia was always there to deliver some kind of justice in Ruby’s defense.

In a lot of ways, Ruby knew Portia would’ve been a much better mother. At least Portia didn’t have the maternal instincts of an angry carnivorous lion like her sister.

Even by succubus standards, Stella Flemming was cold. Frostier than the Artic and ten times deadlier.

“You’re so cheeky.” Portia laughed softly. “That’s right. I don’t want you to call me auntie in case it chases away a suitor, but no one is listening right now, so we’re good.” As always, Portia made the rules.

Can I be you when I grow up?Ruby thought to herself. Aunt Portia was always so self-assured and confident. She knew what she wanted, and more importantly, she knewwhoshe was.

“Sweetie, you go up to your room and have a nice nap. When you come down for dinner, I’ll have a whole bunch of fun and relaxing activities planned for the rest of your trip.”

“Can’t I just lie on the beach and read?” Ruby grumbled.

“Sure thing.”

If you have time, but you won’t because no niece of mine is going to mope around on her holiday.Aunt Portia didn’t actually say that, but Ruby could hear it between the lines when Portia gave her a direct order.“Go up to your suite, Ruby. I’ll make sure you have a good time this week.”

“That last part scares me a little bit,” Ruby shuddered.

“Don’t be boring, Ruby baby. Trust me!”

Ruby pulled a face. “Not being boring and trusting you are two very different things. I get the feeling that your idea of a good time andmyidea of a good time are not the same. Like, at all,” she emphasized.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal