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Imprisoned behind a comm table while I sent good warriors out to die. Tied to a female I didn’t dare claim. Trapped in a sector of space I could not leave, head stretched out across a butcher’s block, waiting for the Hive to strike.

“Commander,” the PC said. She was Prillon, a collar about her neck indicating she was mated. I knew she had one child, although she was not being relocated with the other non-military personnel. I needed a civilian liaison here. If we had wounded, or lost any warriors, I needed a link to their mates and families close.


“Will Lady Karter be joining the personnel in the safe zone? If I am to remain here to assist, they will need someone in charge. While I do have subordinates who can handle the task, I think everyone would be more comfortable with her presence.”

What the PC said was true. As my mate, Erica became Lady Karter and was, while unwittingly and perhaps against her desires, in charge of all non-military personnel on the ship. That was thousands of individuals. And with those from the Varsten battlegroup mixed in, it was nearly double the usual count. While I’d been inside her body on several occasions, I didn’t know much about her mind. I knew she was intelligent, but I had no idea why she’d volunteered to be a bride. Would she be a good leader? Would she even want to be?

“No, Lady Karter will not be going to the safe zone,” I said. “I’m sure your team will be excellent support instead.”

While the PC’s eyes widened slightly, she only tipped her head in acknowledgement.

“I will go to the safe zone and take command of the civilians in the fleet.”

The female voice from behind me had me spinning on my heel. I knew that voice, the soft timbre of contentment, the sharp bite of anger, even the breathy cry of pleasure.


Ronan went immediately to her side, pulled her into his arms for a hug, then put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back so he could look at her. “What are you doing here, mate?” His gaze ran over her. “Did something happen during transport? Are you hurt?”

It had only been thirty minutes since we’d sent her to Prillon Prime and the safety of Prime Nial’s palace. He hadn’t commed to say she hadn’t arrived. Why the fuck was she here?

A thrill ran through me at seeing her, and yet, fear as well. She was not safe here.

“Oh, no. I met Lady Deston. We had a nice chat and she agreed that I should come back.”

“Prime Nial allowed it?” I asked, stepping toward them. The others around us parted to let me by.

She shook her head, her long hair flowing down her back. I remembered it, just an hour ago, fisted in Ronan’s hand as she sucked him off. Shit, I was getting hard.

She looked to me, tipped her chin up. “No, he was busy with you.”

Oh, she was mad. I didn’t have to be her mate to see it. Her body wasn’t soft and supple as she was when aroused. Her muscles were tense, her mouth pressed into a thin line. Her eyes flared with anger.

“Jessica and I had a nice, little chat.”

I glanced at Chloe who was smirking. Damned Earth females.

Erica lifted her hands, knocked Ronan’s off her shoulders, then put her hands on her hips and glared at me like I was a naughty child.

Gods be damned, I hadn’t seen that look on a female’s face since I was a boy being scolded by my mother.

“I can’t believe you sent me to Prillon Prime when I am now Lady Karter. Chloe said I was in charge of non-military personnel. I can’t do that from a planet a trillion miles away.”

“I need you to be safe, mate,” I said.

She spun on her heel, the flowing brown dress I’d had rucked up around her waist as I fucked her, swirling about her long legs. She came over to me, actually pushed my chest. I didn’t move, but she dared to shove me.

And that made my cock even harder.

This magnificent, feisty female was my mate.

“And yet there are children right over there.” She pointed to deck three and the group that was boarding one of the cargo ships.

“They are leaving within ten minutes for a safe zone.”

Her eyes narrowed. “A safe zone is safe enough for them but not safe for me?”

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