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When Drogan pulled the plug free, the two of us watched as her ass remained open for us, the plug having worked well to stretch her wide. Her body worked to close back up and instead of allowing it, Drogan slipped his slick finger into her ass, testing her training.

“We can take her tonight. Would you like that, Leah?” Drogan asked, beginning to slowly fuck her with his finger, going deeper and deeper into her ass each time. “Would you like this to be Lev’s cock instead of my finger?”

I spanked her again. “Drogan asked you a question.”

She came up off of Tor’s cock long enough to say, “Yes, please.”

“I will spank you until you suck the cum from Tor’s balls and swallow it deep. Since you’ve got our baby in your belly, his seed can go elsewhere now.”

I began to spank her, not overly hard, for while I knew it would not harm the baby, I was nonetheless cautious. This was more about her knowing who was in charge than any kind of punishment. For while she was sucking Tor’s cock and I was spanking her and Drogan’s finger fucked her ass, she was the one with all the power. She was the one who brought the three of us back together, who would give birth to the future leader of Viken, who ruled our hearts.

Her ass was turning a pretty shade of pink and she shifted her hips and squirmed, pushing back on Drogan’s finger.

“You may come, Leah. You may come while I play with your ass.”

The connection we shared was incredible. This woman, this beautiful, smart, daring woman belonged to us. Understood us. Let us do these dirty, naughty things to her. And came for us.

Tor didn’t last long—I hadn’t expected him to, since we were like horny youths around her—so Leah came hard, her mouth full of thick cock as his seed coated her throat, filled her belly. She rode Drogan’s finger and I watched as her arousal dripped from her empty slit.

We would take her now, again and again, not for a new ruler, not for Viken, but for us. For her.

* * *


One thing I quickly discovered about being pregnant was that it wore me out. Making a baby in nine months—I heard—was tiring, but I was cooking a kid in four months and it sucked the energy right out of me. I’d figured when the doctor had confirmed I was indeed pregnant, that he would know the sex of the child. But being a strange planet, at least when it came to day-to-day activities, the Viken race chose never to discover the sex of any unborn child. I didn’t know the laws of Viken and whether a female could rule the planet, so I worried about gender.

My men seemed to be thrilled with their potent seed and their virility, for after I sucked Tor’s cock, they carried me to bed and fucked me on and off all day long. It seemed that the seed power did not diminish with pregnancy. In fact, I was more eager than ever. So were the men, especially continuing to play with my ass, ensuring that they could take me all at once. I felt we

ll prepared for Lev’s cock in my ass, but I was a little apprehensive about being double penetrated. But they distracted me enough, waking me from my little catnaps by touching my body, watching as, almost before our eyes, my breasts grew heavy and fuller, my nipples enlarged and darkened, my belly began to take on a slight curve. It was almost crazy to watch something happen in a pace unfamiliar to me.

They were planning to form the mating union after our evening meal, but I’d fallen asleep. The last I remember was turning to my side and feeling the sticky essence of their combined seed making my inner thighs slick.

It wasn’t gentle hands and soft lips on my body that woke me, but instead strong hands that gripped me and pushed me to the floor. I came fully awake by hitting the wood floor with my hip, a large male body covering me.

“What? Drogan!” I cried. I could smell him, the scent of the three of them very distinguishable, even in total darkness.

“Quiet,” he hissed in my ear. The tone wasn’t gentle, but commanding and I stilled.

I heard fighting, the sound of heavy feet moving across the wood floor. Not just Tor and Lev, but others too.

“Find her and kill them,” the voice said. It was dark, deep and menacing.

I saw the sharp glint of Drogan’s sword, held in the hand that crossed over me, shielding me and the baby from harm.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh, groans, the slide of metal out of a sheath filled the air. Drogan pushed me under the bed further, his body blocking me. The only way someone was going to get me was through Drogan, or crawling under the far side of the bed.

I saw the dark shadows of legs from my new position, one set coming closer. A grunt, then a painful, wheezing sound was emitted, then the body fell to the floor. All I could see was a black shape and I panicked, thinking it might be either Lev or Tor. Pushing against Drogan, I tried to get out from under the bed and help, but he was unmovable. I began to shimmy across the floor instead, further under the bed to go out the other side, but a strong, unbreakable grip on my hip kept me in place.

“Find her,” I heard.

“Why take her alive? Why don’t we just kill them all?”

I held my breath at the coldly logical question as my heart raced in panic. These invaders wanted to murder my mates and take me prisoner? Why? And where were Tor and Lev? Were they safe? Were they outside with a dagger through their necks or an arrow in their chest? I closed my eyes as pain washed through me in a wave so fierce and filled with rage I never would have believed myself possible of such intensity after just a few days with my mates.

But they were mine. Mine. And I could not bear the idea of them being killed.

“I need the child. Find her. Kill the men. Once she gives me what I need, I’ll take care of her, too. No woman will run Viken. There will be no unification.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy