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Three very focused, slightly worried faces stared at our mate as she nodded.

“It’s not that,” I said, certain that she was carrying our child.

“It’s too fast for me to be pregnant. It takes at least two weeks to know,” she insisted.

“As for too fast, that might be true on Earth, perhaps.” I ran my hand over her still flat belly and thought of how it would soon be round. “On Viken, it takes four months from breeding to birth.”

Her eyes flared wide. “Four months?” She placed her hand over mine.

“That means—”

“That means we go to the doctor.”

* * *


“You have done very well, Leah, allowing the mentors to believe you are resisting us. Despite how things appear, they are all quite… forgiving, as they want every Viken bride to be fully satisfied.”

Satisfied wasn’t the word I’d use to describe how my men had pleasured me. Overwhelmed. Dominated. Protected. Cherished. Loved…

“The physical exam, however, is… different.” Drogan glanced down at me as he led me toward the medical hut. It was larger than the others and set well back in the trees.

“Different?” Apprehension slowed my steps, but Drogan’s hand on my elbow kept me moving forward.

“Your body will be truly tested and analyzed. The doctors and mentors need to ensure that any problems between us are caused by mental limitations, issues of trust, and not physical maladies. They can accept that a new bride has a fear of her mate, or is not used to fucking, but they won’t accept a poorly made match or an undiagnosed medical problem. Remember, I am being tested by them as much as you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked as we stopped outside the door.

“A mate must guide his bride. If I do not pleasure you, if I do not cherish you, care for you and earn your complete trust, then I am at fault.”

Drogan tipped up my chin. “The medical exam is critical. We will be scrutinized. You will be pushed, prodded, and tested. Here, I do not believe your resistance will be feigned.”

On that ominous note, he opened the door and led me inside, dread slowing my steps as I followed him inside. The only thing that kept me from bolting was the knowledge that none of my mates would willingly put me in harm’s way.

While no other couples had been in the various training huts we’d visited throughout the week, the medical center was definitely different. I froze just inside the doorway of the one large room, my mouth open. In one corner, a woman stood with her dress pinned up at the back, exposing her bare bottom. It was mottled red from an obvious spanking, but also horizontal stripes crisscrossed the obviously tender skin. She’d been spanked not only with a hand but with a belt or cane or… something. Her hands were up and behind her head and with her elbows flared out, she had to lean forward to touch her nose to the wall. This, of course, thrust her punished bottom out into the room.

A man who was probably her mate, along with another in a uniform, stood nearby and talked of her disobedience and a several-day plan to train her. I flushed at how they spoke of her as if she were an… object.

“Good, Alma, good.”

The voice had me turning my head. A woman was on her knees sucking on a man’s cock, which was hanging from the front of his pants.

“Keep your head still. I will fuck your face as I wish.” The man’s hand cupped the back of her head and held the woman still, her mouth stretched wide around his thick cock.

“You said you were concerned about her gag reflex.” A man in uniform stood perpendicular to the couple and watched with detachment. “Show me.”

The man thrust his hips, pushing his cock almost completely into the woman’s mouth. Her hands came up and she pushed against her mate’s thighs as her eyes widened. He held still for a second, then pulled back, but not completely exiting her mouth. The woman took deep breaths through her nose and she relaxed.

“Yes, I see. Her response is quite strong; however, it is not a medical problem, but a training one. I will tell the mentor to provide you with a training cock that she can practice on. You will want her to use it as you are fucking her so she can find pleasure—even come—when her mouth is full.”

The man pulled his cock from his woman’s mouth and used his thumb to wipe at her lips, his eyes full of admiration and… pride. While I could see the woman was humiliated at being discussed so brazenly and clinically, she also reveled in her mate’s attentions, even more so when he helped her to her feet and kissed her forehead.

As he buttoned his pants, the man said, “Thank you, doctor.”

The couple came toward us and we moved out of the way as they left. The doctor approached us and then shook Drogan’s hand.

“It has been a week and I felt it time to come in,” Drogan said. “I’m sure you can understand the reason for our delay.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy