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I’d never come before without playing with my clit and earlier I’d come over and over again without any stimulation there at all. My body, even now, ached for them.

No, it just ached. My breasts were tingling and my nipples were hard. I didn’t have to see them in the dark to know that they were pebbled into tight peaks. Lifting my hands to my breasts, I cupped them and a soft moan escaped my lips. Shifting, my pussy slid over the sheets, the clit ring being nudged. I was aroused, so very aroused that heat crept into my veins and spread through my body.

The rustling of the bedding came just before a light was turned on. Just a soft glow, enough to see by, but not enough to hurt the eyes. What I saw was three men, naked and surrounding me. The sheet that covered us had slipped off me. I, too, was naked, but I only had eyes for my mates’ hard bodies.

“Leah?” The voice was rough with sleep. I didn’t look to see who it was, for I was too needy.

“There’s… there’s something wrong with me,” I whispered.

The other men stirred and Drogan sat up behind me, his hand on my shoulder. I moaned again at the contact. “She’s hot to the touch.”

At his touch, I groaned. Without thinking, I laid back on the bed and parted my legs. I should have been ashamed of my slutty action, but I was too far gone to care. As the men sat up to look at me, I grabbed the back of my knees and pulled my legs back and open. “Please,” I begged. God, I was begging these men to fuck me.

Glancing down my body, I could see my clit was engorged so much that its hood was pulled back, the little ring away from the sensitive tip.

Lev and Tor glanced at each other. “Seed power,” they said at the same time.

“I will eat your pussy until you come again,” Drogan murmured against my neck. “Your pussy must be too sore for another fucking af

ter the one you had earlier.”

I should be sore, very sore, from fucking three men—again and again—but I wasn’t. Even so, I didn’t really care. My body was telling me it needed cock and it needed it now.

“No,” I replied. Turning my head, I looked into Drogan’s eyes.

“No?” he repeated. “You will go against us? Didn’t you learn from your spanking and plugging earlier?”

I shook my head, licked my lips. “I need more. I need your cocks. I need you to fuck me. Your mouth on my pussy, it’s not enough.”

I looked up at my three men who loomed over me with concern—and desire—on their faces.

“You’ve succumbed to the seed power, Leah,” Tor said. “I had no idea it was so powerful.”

“It is from all three of us, not one,” Lev added. “It will be very intense for her.”

“Please,” I begged, my pussy dripping with their earlier seed and my own arousal. I reached down and slipped my fingers over my folds and pushed them inside. If they weren’t going to use their cocks, I would use my fingers. Drogan and Lev each took one of my knees and pulled them wide just like I’d held them as Tor moved to kneel between my thighs. His cock was erect and ready, pulsing up toward his navel.

He took my fingers from my pussy and placed my hand in Lev’s, who moved it by my side. He didn’t release his hold.

Tor began playing with the plug in my ass, tugging on it, then pressing it deep. Again and again. I tried to move my hips, but Lev and Drogan held me down.

Shifting his hips, Tor lined up his cock at my eager entrance and slid inside of me. It was one slow, easy stroke and I groaned, my eyes falling closed.

“Yes,” I moaned, loving the stretch, the overwhelming sense of being full. It was so tight with the plug in my ass. “Fuck me. Please! I need it.”

I sounded like a wanton slut but I didn’t care. I needed cock and I needed it now.

“With pleasure, mate.” Tor began to move, fucking me in earnest as his brothers held me open. “With pleasure.”

* * *


We were at a training center for more difficult brides, yet Leah was the least recalcitrant of mates. In fact, I’d call her eager, or voracious, or greedy. Having the seed power from three men made her insatiable. While we’d only taken her over the bench with a simple spanking and fucking, the power of it woke her from sleep and we’d had to tend to her again in the middle of the night. The term tend included a good hard fucking from all three of us. Leah had insisted on cleaning off our cocks with her mouth, then Drogan inserted a larger training plug into her ass. Only then was she sated enough to fall back asleep. Now, with the dawn, she was still sleeping, but for how long, none of us knew. We were not familiar with having a mate, nor with being together for that matter.

Drogan was preparing a simple morning meal in the food preparation area as Lev and I sat at the small table by the window. A few couples were about, the weather enjoyable. Men and their mates were going about their day, perhaps going to a specific training hut. All things were available here, all desires could be met. Learning to properly wield a crop, or tie a bride with ropes without causing harm. There were classes on pleasing a bride with an eager tongue, or learning to read her body during sexual play. As for the brides, a bride could be taught how to suck cock or even how to train her back entrance for a good fucking. Lev seemed to have mastered the art of reading Leah, knowing what she needed, even if she denied it. I was learning this about her, too. How he’d known she needed the release of a hard spanking, I wasn’t sure, but she had. She’d broken and screamed, and through her tears and thrashing had begged for more.

What I longed to do was learn more about how to stretch Leah’s ass. She’d taken a larger plug in the middle of the night, but was stretching her open enough to get her ready for my large cock? Lev may want to learn new ways to secure Leah in ropes or take her to a deeper level of submission. Drogan? Hell, he was obsessed with oral sex, but seemed to have that down, if Leah’s orgasms were any indication. Anything we needed to learn to please our new bride was available to us here. As long as only one of us was with her at a time, no one would be the wiser to our deception. The only outward sign of our differences was Lev’s scar running through his eyebrow, but with Leah with us, no one would be paying any attention to Lev’s face.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy