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“Your pussy is already getting wet.” Tor casually shrugged, then shifted his cock within the confines of his pants. “You were matched to us. While you might think you don’t like it, perhaps based on Earth custom or even from previous experience, your body knows the truth—and the testing recognized it.”

“Have you been spanked before, Leah?” Lev asked.

“No!” she screeched.

Lev gave her a gentle swat to her ass as I strapped in her ankles. She wasn’t in a happy mood and I worried she’d kick out and hurt Lev, or even herself.

“Let me up, you overbearing Neanderthals!”

I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. I barely knew Lev, but I knew he would not let that pass—what the hell was a Neanderthal?—without a nice pink handprint on her lovely ass.

Chapter Seven


How dare these men do this to me? I was tied down to a spanking bench—just like in the dream from the processing center! Was this real life? Because it was literally out of this world. I was being dominated and overpowered by alien triplets. One of them was going to spank me and then give me a reward. What kind of reward? Would I get his huge cock deep in my pussy again? Would they blindfold me and take turns? Lev said—

Lev struck my bottom with his hand and a flash of stinging pain raced through my system. I cried out, then lowered my head as heat rushed through me after the sting faded. Heat. Lust. Desire. God, I was so messed up. I wanted him to do it again.

I knew I was wet. I was always wet since I’d met my mates. Just the light smack that Lev had given me had made my pussy clench and wetness drip down my thighs. How did I know this for sure? One of the brutes was sliding his fingertips through the slippery wetness right now.

“Your body doesn’t lie,” Lev said. I heard him lick his fingers, but couldn’t turn my head around enough to see it. In fact, all I could do was look at the plain white wall in front of me. That is until Tor came to stand before me, opened up his pants, and pulled his cock free.


Ouch! I stiffened and tried to shift away from the stinging blow Lev rained down on my ass but there was no way I could move. The heat of his last strike sent a lightning bolt of need to my pussy and my body began to tremble.

“That was for not obeying me immediately. We would be done now, but you clearly need more.”


“That was for your sass.”


“That was for denying yourself this. You like to be spanked.”

“I like seeing your pink handprints on her soft skin.” Drogan. He was a cocky bastard. “May I interrupt, Lev? Just for a moment?”

Lev agreed and I tensed in anticipation as Drogan knelt between my legs.

Tor, directly in front of me, gripped the base of his cock and began to stroke himself off. I could do nothing but watch as pre-cum seeped from the tip and formed a bead on the metal ring. I licked my lips, eager to taste it. I was ridiculously desperate for his cock, even though some twisted part of me believed I should hate them for this, hate myself for wanting more.

I cried out as Drogan’s mouth clamped down on my pussy. He licked and sucked me, stabbing deep with his tongue until I was squirming and thrashing on the table. I opened my mouth to cry out and Tor used that opportunity to slip his cock into my mouth a couple of inches, just enough to tease me with his pre-cum. The chemicals from his seed hit my bloodstream like searing hot lava rolling through my body. With Drogan’s mouth sucking hard on my clit, I saw stars. I was on the edge. I needed to come.

In some kind of silent agreement, both men pulled away from me, leaving me panting. Begging. God, I was pathetic. I felt like a wild animal, completely out of control. I needed them. I wanted them. In my mouth. In my pussy. In my ass. Everywhere. Anywhere. I needed—

Lev’s huge hand stroked my ass like he was caressing his favorite pet and I pushed back into him, desperate for contact. “You will count out your punishment from earlier, Leah. Twenty to start. If you’re a good girl, I might let you have more.”

Lev began to spank me and each time I gasped at the heat of it, the tingling, fiery burn of it. “One. Two,” I counted as I kept my eyes on Tor’s cock. Each hard strike shifted me forward on the bench so the ring in my clit made contact with the hard surface beneath me. I whimpered with each strike, the hot burn spreading through my system like liquid fire.

When I got to seventeen, something deep inside me broke open, unleashing a storm of emotion I had no hope of controlling as tears raced down my cheeks. Weeks of fear and worry, nerves and anxiety about having my fiancé find me, poured out of me with each painful strike of Lev’s hard hand on my ass. He didn’t stop at twenty, and I didn’t want him to.

Surrounded by these men, my rational mind shut down and the primitive animal inside me took over. It knew I was safe. Totally, completely safe, and my walls fell. My control slipped. I sobbed. I counted. I begged him to spank me harder, to break me wide open and take my pain and fear away. Even though I was lightyears from Earth, I’d brought my emotions from there with me, like unwanted luggage. I whimpered and pleaded with my mates to own me, to fuck me, to keep me forever.

By the time I reached thirty, sweat coated my skin and my ass was pulsing with heat. My nipples tightened to the point of pain and I was desperate to be fucked. Filled.

I needed to come. I needed them to fill me up.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy