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I didn’t realize the regent had come to stand beside me until he spoke. “I assume you do not need to look over the remaining two men?” he asked.

I hadn’t taken my eyes off of the man before me. His hair was tousled, as if he’d just climbed out of bed, and just long enough to graze the collar of his dark tunic. The color of it was an unusual shade of brown, almost whiskey-colored. I knew, deep down, that he was the one. He was my match.

I swallowed down my eagerness for this man and replied, “No, I do not. This man is my match.”

“Satisfied, Drogan?” the regent asked.

This warrior, Drogan, lowered his gaze from my eyes to rake over my body. I felt naked despite being covered to my ankles by the long green gown. Did he know I was aroused at the sight of him? Did he know my body ached when I looked at him, that as much as I feared him, I craved the touch of those giant hands on my skin? Whatever was going on with my clit intensified and I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. Waiting. For what I wasn’t sure.

“Yes. Very satisfied.” Drogan’s deep voice invaded my senses like liquid heat overrunning my entire system. I wanted to hear his voice again, to hear him commanding me to kneel and take his cock in my mouth, to listen to him order me to open wider as he pounded into my body, to hear the gravelly whisper of his voice in my ear demanding that I come.

I blinked away the lust clouding my mind, but didn’t even have a chance to recover before my world upended. Drogan tossed me over his shoulder as if I were a sack of grain and carried me out of the room. My hands pressed into his lower back to maintain my balance and all I could see was the tight muscles of his very nice ass as he carried me out of the building, down a dirt path, and toward another much smaller building a good distance away.

All around me the smell of sea water and blooming trees comforted me. The sky was a bit darker blue, the grass a paler green, and the sounds of the birds and other animals calling to one another not any that I recognized, but it was not so different from Earth after all. I saw red flowers, trees hung with dark green moss and long pale limbs that stretched toward the sky.

Here, on Viken, I would be safe from my old fiancé. Here, I would be protected and claimed by this man, Drogan. He was huge and fierce-looking, but I wanted to trust in the match. I wanted to believe Warden Egara and what she told me, that this man had been selected for me, was my one perfect man in the entire universe. I had to hope that I could grow to love him, and he to care for me. Being tossed over his shoulder and carried about in such a caveman way wasn’t the way to show how much he cared, but it definitely made me feel wanted.

I watched as his foot kicked the door shut behind him right before he slid me carefully down his body to stand before him. I swear I felt every hard inch of him on the way down.

I looked up at him again as I held onto his forearms for balance. I could barely breathe, my longing to taste him was so intense. I studied his lips as he spoke, hoping he would lean down and claim my mouth with his own, needing to feel like I belonged to him. Only to him.

“I am Drogan, your match.” Slowly, with his hands on my shoulders, he turned me around to face…

“Oh, my God,” I whispered, my eyes widening.

“These are my brothers. They belong to you as well.” Before me stood two more men, identical to Drogan. Triplets? Holy shit. No. Not three—

“I am Tor. Your match.”

“I am Lev. Your match.”

I spun to the side so I could see all three of them, my head turning back and forth as if I were watching a tennis match. Tor had long hair. Lev, short. Drogan in the middle. They were all dressed like Viking warriors: Lev with a bow and arrows across his back, Tor with a spear and shield, and Drogan with a sword. I felt like I was Little Red Riding Hood with three wolves who all wanted to eat me alive. While I was completely confused and overwhelmed, I felt the connection become even stronger.

“Identical triplets?” I squeaked. I’d never seen identical triplets. Handsome, male identical triplets. Seeing three such gorgeous men was akin to seeing a unicorn. These three were matched to me. Of all the people in the universe, these hot guys were mine to choose from. Three. I didn’t want three men. Just one. I only needed one.

They nodded in response to my question.

“There are slight differences between us. I have a scar,” Lev said as he pointed to his eyebrow. A white line bisected his eyebrow.

“I have a sector marking.” Tor rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to show me the dark band that circled his arm. A tattoo. It looked like something tribal from Earth.

“I do not have any distinguishing feature, but our hair length should help you tell us apart,” Drogan added.


nbsp; “I can’t… be matched to all three of you.” But I was. I knew deep down that I was because I felt the same attraction, the same pull with all three of them. It wasn’t just with Drogan; the longing I felt to be touched by Drogan was now an ache to be touched by all three men. Lev and Tor’s pull on me was equally strong, and terrifying. “Which one of you gets me?”

“We have the same DNA. While three different men, we are biologically the same,” Lev explained.

“So which one of you is my match?” Perhaps this was some kind of test. Perhaps they would decide now which one was my mate and the others would go home.

They stepped closer.

“Gets you?” Lev asked, arching his scarred eyebrow.

“The one who keeps me. Did you decide or do I choose one of you, or what?”

They moved in so they all stood directly before me, towering over me as the top of my head barely reached their chins. If I lifted my hand, I could reach out and touch them. Their bodies shadowed the light from the windows and I felt very, very small.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy