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Dare’s eyebrows went up at that. “He’s commander. He has many secrets.”

The answer was vague, but probably true. Was I feeling a wall so that Zane didn’t share the horrors of his job? It was a worthy question, so I just nodded in reply. I would need time to consider and, perhaps, more time with Zane.

“Now then,” Dare said, coming up beside me, stroking his knuckles over my cheek. “Both of your mates need not be present to continue your training. No Zane tonight, just me.”

I hated myself a little bit as my entire body relaxed at the news. Zane was so big, so intense, and so damn hard to resist. The connection with him was even more powerful than with Dare. I didn’t want to deal with my fears where he was concerned, for that strong connection also meant strong fear that I would disappoint him. That idea is what tore me up inside.

Was I drawn to Zane because he was a warrior? It made no sense, for all my experience with men on earth made me run from their false dominance. I had learned the hard way that, more often than not, their concerns had always been selfish ones. With warriors of Prillon Prime, however, I knew what I felt through the collar could not be faked.

I didn’t want to deal with my emotions where Zane was concerned. They were still too raw. A yawn threatened to escape me, but Dare’s next words ruined the soft, contented feeling.

“We only have a few weeks to prepare you for the claiming, and I am not the kind of warrior to neglect my mate.”

Chapter Nine


Dare opened the door to our quarters and waited for me to precede him into the room. The moment the door slid closed, my gentle and considerate companion disappeared.

“I know Zane is being careful with you.”

I turned to him and frowned. So, Zane had been holding back? I’d felt it, through our connection, but having Dare confirm it made me feel uneasy. It was hard to believe because the fucking, God, the fucking, had been incredible. What else did Zane want from me that I hadn’t given him? What else did he need from me? I’d given them everything. I’d given him everything—but my heart. That was still my own. “Why would Zane—I mean…?”

“Zane believes you are too soft, too small to take our cocks the way we want to fuck you.” Dare leaned over and tipped my chin up with his fingers. “I will not be so soft, mate. I need your body prepared for me.” He kissed me then, softly, so sweetly that his words took an extra moment to register. “I do not want to wait any longer than necessary to claim what is mine.”

I thought back to our time together with Zane. Was I confusing pleasure and power? Had Zane treated me like something fragile? Something that would break? And if he had, would I be able to withstand more if that’s what he needed? Would I break, as he feared? Would he give me the chance to test my own limits? Did I want him to?

The thought made my pussy clench. God, yes, I wanted him to push me. I wanted to feel completely owned. I wanted to trust Zane to know just how far he could push me. I wanted to close my eyes and surrender to him. But I didn’t dare, not yet. I could feel the darkness riding him. He was afraid of something. Afraid he would hurt me? Or afraid he would break me? “Am I really so small, compared to your women?”

Dare lifted my arms over my head and held them there, staring down into my eyes. “Yes, you are small.”

“So is Anne. And she seems just fine with Captain Hendry.”

Dare chuckled. “She is at least half a head taller than you are, little one. With a rounder ass and wider shoulders.”

True. Anne was at least six inches taller than I was, but I was average on Earth. And not small by any measure. According to my doctor, I needed to lose at least thirty pounds. I lowered my arms to cover my rounded abdomen, ashamed. Is that why Zane held back? Was I too big? Too soft? Too—

“Arms up, Hannah, as if you are trying to reach the ceiling.” By the deep tone of Dare’s voice as he stared at my chest, I knew the sight of my breasts pushed forward had captured his complete attention. Well, at least being a little heavy did have the advantage of larger breasts.

I stood still, not sure what to do, but his commanding tone sent a wave of electricity over my skin. Was I allowed to be with Dare without Zane? I didn’t know. What was I supposed to do?

Slowly, I raised my arms. “Are we supposed to—I mean—without Zane?”

“I am your second, Hannah. Your collar is around my neck, and I accepted your claim.”

“I didn’t—”

“Do you reject the connection between us? Do you refuse me as your second?” Dare stepped in front of me until my face was so close to his massive chest that I could see nothing but him. “Would you deny me, mate, and demand Zane name another?”

My pussy clenched at his tone. I liked this more dominant side of him. “No.” I had no idea if I could force the issue or not, but I didn’t want another mate, or a different second. Zane was mine, I knew it deep in my bones, even if he didn’t feel the same.

But Dare? He was already claiming a piece of my heart. And while I needed another dominant, controlling male like I needed a hole in my head, I craved it. Just the sharp bite of Dare’s words had my pussy wet.

Dare crushed his lips to mine, his long tongue teasing and tasting me as if he would never get enough.

I felt his huge hands reach up and around me to the back of my neck. One tug on the uniform I wore and the top half of it split down my back.


Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy