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I was really thirsty. “How does it know that?” I looked at Dare.

“Your collar monitors your body’s vital systems at all times. Once we claim you, the system will be able to help you maintain balance should you find yourself in need.”

Shaking my head, I ordered a glass of water with lemon and turned back to Dare. “What does that even mean?”

He carried my plate and I followed him, sipping on the ice-cold water. It tasted like heaven. “It means, that if you are dehydrated or sick, the additional implants you will receive after we are mated will be able to transport water or other nutrients directly into your body’s bloodstream, the same way it transports waste out of it.”

I sat down in a soft brown chair and Dare sat down across from me. “Why do you guys even eat?”

“Because we enjoy it.” He looked over my meal with curiosity before dipping his finger in the melted cheese and marinara sauce. He tasted it and took his time swirling the flavors around on his tongue. I watched him, curious as to what he would think of Earth food.

“Have you eaten food from Earth before?”

He nodded. “Yes, but only a couple of things. I have had your beer, and something called a hotdog.” He made a face and shook his head. “That was not my favorite. But this?” He lifted his strange fork and cut a piece of my lasagna for himself. “This is fantastic.”

I laughed at the look of astonishment on his face, like a little boy who’d just found a new toy. “Shall I go order one for you?”

He smiled, but before he could answer someone walked up to stand beside us. I glanced over to find the human woman with long blond hair staring at my plate as if she’d never seen lasagna before. Her voice was melodic and reminded me of my music teacher in high school.

“Oh, my God. Is that what I think it is?” Her mate stood behind her with a bemused expression on his face. Their young daughter was in his arms, her hands wrapped around his neck and a look of utter contentment on her face. I knew that feeling; I’d had it when Zane held me in almost the exact same position. The little boy was clinging to his mother’s leg.

“If you think it’s lasagna, then yes.”

Her eyes sparkled with delight and she clapped h

er hands in front of her face with excitement. “Yes! I’ve been stuck eating mac and cheese for five years! You must be Lady Deston.” She held out her hand and I shook it.

“I’m Hannah.”

“Anne.” Her gaze held mine and I knew, at least in part, what she was feeling. It was nice to see someone from home. I remembered Warden Egara’s words, that I had been the first volunteer from Earth. I had to assume that Anne had been a prisoner. I wondered what she had done to be convicted and sent off-planet. As soon as I considered that, I realized that her punishment was going off-planet. She didn’t have to dislike it. In fact, by looking at her with her mate and children, she was quite happy.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Up, mama.” The little one held up his pudgy little arms and I stared at the boy in wonder. He didn’t look as fierce as the warrior who was his father, but he was still not exactly human either. The little girl’s eyes matched the warrior who held her, and I assumed he was her father. But the little boy? He looked slightly different, with greenish eyes and a different tone to his skin. Was the boy a child of Anne’s second mate? Did she have a second mate? Didn’t all Prillon brides? But then, I had two mates, and I was only with Dare at the moment. Perhaps her other mate was off flying a spaceship or something.

I had no idea, and there was no way I was going to ask. Both of the children were adorable, and all of a sudden I could imagine myself with a couple of babies of my own, one with Zane’s amber eyes, and one with Dare’s gray ones.

“You have beautiful children.” I smiled at her as she leaned over to pick up her son. My compliment was an honest one.

“Thank you.” Our gazes locked, and I knew I had made a friend. “What did you do, on Earth I mean?”

No one had asked me that, and the normal conversation felt good. “I was a preschool teacher.”

“Wow. You must have the patience of a saint. I was a nurse.”

Blood. Guts. Mucus. Yuck. “Wow. I couldn’t do that. I see blood and I pass out.”

“To each their own.” We both chuckled, but her mate interrupted us.

“I’m sorry, my love, we must go. We must return to our ship. I have a meeting in an hour.” The giant male spoke for the first time and my entire body tensed. I knew that voice. Oh, my God, did I know that voice—asking if I accepted his claim—placing his giant hand around my neck and pulling my naked body back against his massive chest as another man, his second, feasted on my pussy—

The memories flooded me with heat and I had to look down at my plate, hoping my stupid body would just calm down and leave me alone. But no such luck, as he spoke directly to me this time with that deep voice. “Welcome to you, Lady Deston. May you find every happiness with us as a bride of Prillon.”

My answer was more a squeak than true words. “Thank you.”

Anne reached out to touch my arm and I felt like I had to look at her again, or risk being very, very rude. When I looked up into her blue eyes, I could see that she knew what I’d seen, what I’d experienced in the bride processing protocols. She knew. I could see it in her eyes as her mate’s large hand came to rest on the side of her hip. Her next words confirmed it. “The processing protocol?”

I couldn’t look her in the eye and lie. I just couldn’t. “Yes. I’m sorry.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy