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are’s pleasure drove Zane to make sure I noticed him behind me, and he released his hold on my ass to bury his hand in my hair, gripping me by the back of the neck. He held me in place over Dare’s cock as his other hand slid around my hip to stroke my clit. With his hand in my hair, he guided my pace, pulling me back to torment Dare every time I tried to take him deep again. Zane was in control here, of my pleasure and Dare’s, and he wanted us both to know it.

“Suck his cock, Hannah. Suck him until his cum is running down your throat. It will trigger your next orgasm.”

The guttural command, combined with the sting of his grip on my hair, set something wild loose inside me. Something foreign and powerful. And this primitive side of me reveled in their domination, craved their pleasure more than my own, needed to please them both. Dare’s satisfaction hummed through my collar, making me feel like a conquering queen, like the most powerful woman in the galaxy, the sexiest, hottest female alive. But Zane? Zane’s emotions were a web of lust and darkness, of desire and restraint.

Zane was holding himself back. He was in firm control, riding me, feeling my tight, hot pussy but wanting more, needing something more than I was giving him.

Deep within me, the need to please him, to make him happy roared to life inside me. In that moment, I was not complete unless he was pleased with me, unless I’d satisfied that darkness in him, unless I’d brought him peace. I wanted a happy mate. If these men were mine, if this was to be my life, I needed them to be pleased. My own pleasure dimmed as I realized Zane was not riding the edge as Dare and I were. Zane was here, but he was also hiding himself, holding back.

I whimpered, determined to satisfy my primary mate, my match. I was supposed to be perfect for him, and he was supposed to be perfect for me. If I couldn’t satisfy him, there must be something wrong with me. Perhaps there was no man in the entire universe who I could truly love.

The thought made me sad, and desperate to pull Zane out of his darkness.

I sucked Dare’s cock deeper than I’d ever taken any man, swallowing around him until his cock was partially down my throat. His growl encouraged me as I rose and fell over him.

Dare came, his cock bucking and writhing in my mouth like a living beast, a beast I’d tamed, a beast that was mine to command, mine to pleasure. Dare’s pleasure flooded me and my heart melted toward this strange warrior. He was very pleased, his contentment coursing through me and making me happy.

But Zane? He let go of my hair and wildly thrust into me, one hand on my clit and one dangerously close to the plug filling my ass. Yes, I wanted this. I wanted Zane to be a little wild.

Then he moved the plug, just enough to make me feel like I was being taken by both of my mates at once, fucked in both places and fingered.

The searing cum sliding down my throat set off my own release, just as Zane had said. My screams were muffled by the thick cock stretching my mouth wide. Feeling both Dare’s orgasm and Zane’s imminent release through my collar only accentuated my own pleasure until I was almost delirious. Overcome.

I released Dare’s cock, afraid I would bite as my pleasure crested. Zane’s cock moved of its own volition deep inside me, his hips slapping against my sore ass. His release, the hot splash of his seed inside me, triggered another of my own and I went rigid and silent, unable to draw enough air to scream. I had none left.

I came back to myself slowly, as if I were in a daze. And indeed, that’s what I felt like. This wild, wanton sexual creature couldn’t be me.

Zane’s hand moved up and down my sweaty back with long, slow strokes with his cock still buried deep inside me. His body was sated, but I could sense his frustration, his need to do more, his need for me to be more.

Dare rose and placed soft kisses on every part of my skin he came near, completely at peace. Happy. Sated.

But not Zane. Zane had fucked me and I could sense he was hiding his disappointment behind a soft smile and softer touch. I wanted to cry, but I bit my lip and hid my face from both of my mates.

I had not pleased him. He was dissatisfied in me, and that knowledge made my heart hurt. I barely knew these men, but they were mine and I was theirs. I needed Zane to be pleased with me. I needed it with a desperation I’d never felt before.

But I’d given them everything. I had nothing else to offer him. Nothing.

The urgency was gone from all three of us, leaving a languid contentment in my body. I’d never been so well used, so completely and totally owned, body and soul. Part of me relished the feeling, but part of me could just hear my mother’s disapproving voice telling me that everything that had just happened in this room was wrong. Two men? A butt plug? Taking one cock in my mouth and one in my pussy, and loving it?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I’d been seduced to the dark side. I’d turned into a slut, a whore, a dozen different slurs raced through my mind. I was a good girl, wasn’t I? Maybe not. Maybe I was bad. Maybe I was corrupted. Maybe Zane wanted me to resist them? Maybe he wanted me to fight them? Or reject Dare? Maybe, deep down, he didn’t want me to enjoy both of them?

I had no way of knowing, and I couldn’t ask him in front of Dare. Hell, I wasn’t sure I had the courage to ask him anything at all. He was the commander of an entire fleet of ships. Maybe he just wasn’t made to be happy. Maybe, even after what he’d said, he didn’t really want a mate at all.

As Dare continued to stroke my skin, Zane gently pulled his cock free. Suddenly on my own, I collapsed onto the chaise and curled into a ball around myself. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to think or say or feel. I felt lost. Just a few hours in outer space and I’d turned into a woman I didn’t recognize. I’d let two men I didn’t know fuck me and use my body in ways I’d never imagined. And I’d liked it. I’d come all over Zane’s cock like I couldn’t wait for more. And it wasn’t enough for him. The collar’s link between me and my men, while so arousing during sex, was now a curse. Without it, I wouldn’t know of Zane’s disappointment. I wouldn’t feel like I’d failed him somehow.

Just as I was working myself up into a state, Zane’s strong arms wrapped around me. He lifted me and settled me across his lap, my ear above his beating heart and my body curled up in his arms like a small child’s. He was huge, a monster among men. My monster.

“What troubles you, Hannah?” One hand stroked my back and the other he lifted to settle against the side of my face and neck, holding me to him as Dare sat beside us and ran his hands over my hair.

I couldn’t speak. There was no way to explain the chaotic swirl of emotions that threatened to explode out of me in a crying fit that would put a two-year-old’s temper tantrum to shame.

To my relief, they didn’t push me for answers, just held me and petted me as if I were the most precious thing in the universe.

After several long minutes I got myself back under control and relaxed in Zane’s arms. I even managed a smile at Dare, who watched me with concerned green eyes, very unlike Zane’s. Now that I had time to process and think, I noticed he was slightly darker, his coloring more dramatic, and his eyes were a deep green, like summer grass, not dark amber like Zane’s.

Dare was gorgeous, too, but in his own way. He was several inches shorter than Zane, and his shoulders weren’t quite as broad, but were still massive.

I looked my fill, studying the hard angles of his face, and realizing that he was still clothed. They were both still fully clothed, only their cocks were free. Their still hard cocks. For some reason, that irritated the hell out of me.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy