Page 42 of Assigned a Mate

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“You think fucking me will hurt the baby?”

He looked so unsure of himself, so vulnerable. He was in charge in the bedroom, but in this moment, the baby was. He might be dominant and commanding, tying me down and spanking me, but he would never hurt me.

I could feel how much he wanted me, could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice, feel it in his kiss, but he was willing to sacrifice for his child.

“As a doctor, I can assure you that fucking will not hurt an unborn child.” I shifted and Tark let me up. I reached over the bed to look for his small trunk. It was exactly where it had been before I left. I found the toy I wanted and looked at him over my shoulder.

“Or you can use this.” Was I being too forward? Would he be shocked by my boldness? I’d come across the galaxy for him. I wasn’t going to hold anything back now. “Perhaps you might find taking me here less worrisome.”

His narrowed gaze slid down my back and landed on my bottom.

“You want me to fuck your ass, gara?”

The idea had my nipples hardening impossibly more. I could feel my wetness between my legs and my thighs were slick with it.

“Maybe not now, but you can prepare me.”

His eyes went impossibly black and his jaw clenched. I could see his cock pressing against the front of his pants. He stood beside the bed and stripped. “Get the oil,” he commanded.

With eager fingers, I reached back into the chest and found a vial of the almond-scented oil. I poured a little onto my fingers and put the container beside the toy on the bed.

Swiping my fingers together, I warmed it and the scent I’d grown to love, to obsess about, drifted to my nose. Almonds. I coated one hard nipple, then the other, with the glistening liquid. Tark stopped and just stared at me, watched my fingers.

“I dreamed of this scent when I was gone,” I said.

Tark grabbed my hips and flipped me over onto my back. He spread my thighs wide and settled between them. His breath fanned over my pussy. “I dreamed of this scent, this taste, while you were gone.”

He lowered his head, put his mouth on me, and made me come. It didn’t take long, for I was eager for a Tark-induced orgasm and he was voracious.

I lay sweaty and limp, my legs splayed wide and my fingers tangled in his dark hair. I had no shame, no modest bone left in my body. He came up over me to place a soft kiss on my still flat belly.

He angled his head. “Roll over, Eva.”

I eagerly complied. Scooping a hand around my waist, he pulled me back and up so that my ass was high and right before him. Reaching for the vial of oil, he parted my cheeks and I felt the slow, warm glide as drop after drop of oil fell onto my back entrance. Using his thumb, he circled slowly and carefully, watching me.

“I won’t go away this time,” I said.

His thumb stopped, but didn’t move. I wiggled beneath his palm urging him on. I reached up and touched behind my ear. There was now an indent in the bone of my skull, where the transport nodule had been before. “See, it’s not there, Tark. It’s gone. I’m not going back to Earth. Ever.”

For a flicker in time, I saw anguish on his face, but when I pushed back against him again, it was replaced by a gaze so filled with heat I sucked in a breath.

His hand lifted, then struck my bottom. I jolted at the contact. “Tark!”

“I was so mad.” He began to spank me in earnest, one side then the other. It wasn’t the hardest spanking he’d given me, but it was pretty darn close. I remained on my forearms and held still, allowing him to unleash the pent-up frustration. I, too, needed this rough handling, needed the focus that the spanking gave me. I reveled in his attention, felt each stinging swat and thought only on the next one. It was a short-lived spanking and when he was done, he cupped m

y bottom with both hands, stroking the warm skin. I felt my pussy dripping with need.

Glancing over my shoulder at him, I said, “You punished me for leaving, master. What reward will you give me for coming back?”

His eyes narrowed and he clenched his jaw. He held up the orbed toy.

“This, then this.” He placed the toy on my lower back like he had with the U toy before I left and grasped his cock next, began to stroke it. Clear pre-cum dripped from the tip and slipped down the flared head. I licked my lips, wanting to taste it. I hadn’t had an opportunity—yet—to do so, but we’d have the rest of our lives.

Picking up the vial of oil, he placed the opening of it at my entrance and carefully inserted it. I felt the warm oil fill me slowly, deeper and deeper. When done, he tossed the empty container to the side and picked up the toy, coated it with oil on his hand before pressing it to my back entrance.

“Relax, gara. Good girl.” He was gentle, yet persistent, yet so was my body fighting it. I wasn’t used to having something stretch me there and I clenched down. He tried and tried, but it was too much.

I was breathing hard and I had my face buried in the blankets. Tark stopped trying to work the toy into me and let it rest against me. And then, he turned it on.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy