Page 40 of Assigned a Mate

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“May I ensure she is well, high councilor?” Doctor Rahm asked, standing a respectable distance away.

“Gara, will you let the doctor ensure you are well after your transport?”

She stiffened. “Not another probe.”

“No. No probes. I will hold you the entire time. You traveled across the galaxy not once for me, but twice.”

“All right.”

I gave a slight head nod and Doctor Rahm held up a sensor and moved it above her body. He didn’t touch her, didn’t even look at her, only at the display on the medical unit. His eyes widened, then did another pass, then turned it to face me. I read the display and my heart leapt into my throat. Pride filled me and my chest ached.

“Gara,” I growled.

“Hmm,” she murmured.

“You… you’re—” The words caught in my throat.


I didn’t want this moment when I discovered my mate was carrying my child to be shared by anyone. There was a roomful of councilors to contend with first, and then I would have her to myself. The meetings were over. We would leave Outpost Nine as soon as she was well enough to travel. Now that she was with child, I wanted her safe in the palace more than ever.

“I am well, Tark. Please, let me stand.”

Carefully, I placed her on her feet, yet kept a possessive grip about her waist. She laid her head against my side and I forced myself to look away from her and at the others in the tent.

“Lady consort,” Councilor Roark said, lowering to one knee before her. It was the traditional position of respect and honor when offering allegiance. All members of the council offered it to me at the death of my father and during my investiture.

“Lady consort,” the other members repeated together, also lowering to one knee before her.

Eva glanced at them, then up at me. “They are giving you their respect.”


“We are glad of your return, lady consort.”

Commotion at the entrance to the tent turned everyone’s heads. Davish stepped inside with Mara. The woman ran to the stage and dropped to her knees as well.

“I am sorry, Eva—”

“Lady consort,” Roark advised.

Mara licked her lips and looked contrite. “Lady consort, I am so very sorry for how I treated you. I owe you a debt for saving my life.” Mara sounded remorseful, looked it even, however I knew her to be duplicitous.

“I treated you as I would any other person, here on Trion, or on Earth. I hope that your life debt is not the only reason you now offer your friendship. I hope that any friendship be willingly given. I do not know very many women here on Trion and I will need friends that I can trust.”

Mara looked surprised by the words, but I understood. Eva needed those about her, the people who would care for her, to know who she really was. She did not want Mara to take a bended knee out of gratitude or debt. A small smile formed on Mara’s mouth, for once it seemed given without malice. “Yes, my lady, I would like that.”

“Then you must call me Eva.”

“Enough,” I said. “I assume, Councilor Bertok, that there is no need for another ceremonial fucking?” Since Eva was already carrying my child, the twisted old bastard would have to find his pleasure elsewhere.

The older man looked at the ground. “No, high councilor. There is no question she is the rightful lady consort.”

I nodded. “Good. As Doctor Rahm has cleared her from her transport, my mate and I will bid you farewell. Safe journey to all as you return to your homela


Many of those gathered murmured replies, but I scooped Eva up into my arms and fled the group, practically running to my tent. Eva had returned, her belly filled with my child, and I wanted her all to myself. Forever.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy