Page 32 of Assigned a Mate

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“Toys? As in children?”

Her eyes fell closed and she thrust out her breasts. “No, toys for… for sex. Like the stimspheres.”

I stroked the underside of one breast and she glanced at me. “Hmm, you liked those too much, I believe, especially if you consider them a toy. You like toys for sex?” While we were surely matched, I had much to learn.

“I have never used them in the past with another person, but so far, I think so.”

I liked how she worded that sentence. It led me to believe the woman was much more adventurous in her desires than even she realized. Perhaps she’d just never had the opportunity to test her limits, which I would definitely provide to her now. “Eva, you are a bad girl.” I grinned. Leaning on one elbow, I reached over the side of the bed to the small chest again. I tossed a variety of toys for sex onto the bed.

“Here, you have permission to play with these while I am in the bathing tube, but you may not come. Your pleasure belongs to me.” Picking up one of the toys of sex, I handed it to her, then went to bathe.

My cock didn’t care if I was clean or not, but I wanted to give her a few minutes to play with the items on her own before I used all of them, every single one of them, on her.

* * *

“Haven’t found one you like?” Tark asked, stepping from the bathing unit. I looked up from the selection of space sex toys and my mouth went dry. I had yet to see Tark fully naked. Standing before me was a warrior. He was lethal-looking, so dark and brooding and with his size and formidable muscles, no one was a match for him. No wonder I submitted to him so easily. He just radiated power and judging by the way my pussy began to swell and soften for him, he was dripping in pheromones.

“Oh, I… um.”

He grinned at my loss for words. Tilting his chin, he indicated what I held forgotten in my hand. “Do you want me to tell you what those are, or show you?”

I glanced down at the odd contraptions. One looked like a dildo but was shaped like tiered orbs, narrow at the top and wider at the bottom where my hand gripped it. The other was shaped like a U and was made of a smooth metal, I had no idea how it worked or where it went. I couldn’t make it vibrate or anything.

I licked my lips. “Show me.”

Coming over to the bed, he crawled up beside me and took it from me. Glancing down, he flicked at one of the gems on my nipples. “Like these?”

“Mmm,” I murmured. The weight of the gems was much less than the chain and I felt almost naked without it. But the chain hadn’t vibrated, hadn’t done anything at all except exert a constant tug. The gems made my nipples tighten into hardened tips almost instantly after Tark had begun the vibrations. Cupping my breasts, even pressing on the nipples with my palms, didn’t dull the ache the gems created. I wasn’t sure how long I could last with such a simple torture. Now the man wanted to use some weird toys on me. I wasn’t sure if I would survive. But I wanted to try.

“On your belly.”

When I questioned him with a widening of my eyes, he said, “Remember, gara, I will treat you as an equal outside of these walls—as long as your safety is not in jeopardy—but when it comes to fucking, you will submit to me. Always.”

His voice was gentle, however, I heard the command there. He had stood aside and did as I ordered as I’d treated Mara, stepping back and allowing me to do my job until all of the patients were treated. I’d been in charge and he’d accepted that. But here, in this tent, he was the dominant one. I allowed it not only because it was true, but because I wanted it that way. I wanted Tark to tell me what to do, to take control, to tie me up and have his way. I even wanted him to spank me. This aroused me, pleased me. It filled a need inside me I didn’t know I had. The bride program’s testing had glimpsed into the deepest places within me, the places I’d hidden even from myself. Therefore, I didn’t question him. Instead, I rolled over, careful of the gems on the blankets.

“Come up on your elbows if you need to. In fact, I’d like it if you did, for I enjoy seeing you adorned so prettily.”

With my weight on my forearms, my back was arched and my breasts thrust out. Yes, based on the way his eyes darkened and his lids narrowed, he did like it. I felt… beautiful.

His hand drifted down my back, running over the ridges of my spine until he cupped one bottom cheek.

“So perfect.”

“You’re not going to spank me, are you?” I asked, tensing and waiting for that first resounding strike of his palm. I felt my pussy weep at the idea.

His eyes lifted from watching his hand to my face. “Do you want me to?”

I shook my head, although there was a little bit of untruth to it.

He held up the orbed toy. “This, this will fill your ass, stretch you open to take my cock.”

My eyes widened, seeing the toy in a completely new way.

Grinning, he placed it on the bed and held up the U. “This one then.” He placed it between the two dimples at my lower back. “During the first fucking, I touched you here.” He’d slid his fingers down between the seam in my bottom and over my back entrance. “No, gara, don’t tense up. Relax.”

His hand moved away as he reached for something from the pile of toys he’d left on the bed. It was a vial of some kind and when he shifted his position so he could use both his hands, I began to worry. I had an idea of what he was going to do, what it was for, so I was apprehensive and slightly aroused by it at the same time. As he tipped the vial upside down, a drop of clear liquid came from the tip and dripped onto his fingers. The scent of it was familiar. Almonds.

I knew where the toys would go and I tried to relax. I watched over my shoulder as he used one hand to part the cheeks of my bottom and felt the slippery fluid coat me there.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy