Page 24 of Assigned a Mate

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“You want to have a conversation like this?” Tark was lying on top of me, buried to the hilt, covering me like a heated blanket. His face was inches from mine, hovering and focused on me with such intensity that I was finding it hard to focus. I’d never felt so consumed. So treasured. So intimately linked to another person.

He stroked a hand over my hair and I resisted the urge to nuzzle into the strong warmth of his palm. “What, with my cock still inside you?”

I nodded against the soft mattress.

He grinned and my heart melted a little. “Nothing will get between us, gara. Besides, I want to ensure my seed stays inside and takes root.”

“You… you want a baby?” The men I knew were not interested in babies at all. “I have an

implant against conceiving.”

He shook his head. “As part of the processing, that was removed. Remember the probe?” How could I forget? “It confirmed you are fertile and capable of being bred. You do not wish for a child?”

I shrugged and looked at the crisp hairs on his chest, ran my fingers over them. They were silky soft and I could feel the beating of his heart beneath my fingertips.

“I do, but on Earth, I had no man. I assumed I would have children someday. You have had longer to consider,” I added.

“I have. It is a requirement that I produce an heir.”

I stiffened beneath him, not pleased to be considered just a vessel for his progeny.

“Do not get riled, Eva. I also want to have a child, a little girl that looks just like you, red hair and all. Perhaps a little less spirit, for if she will be anything like her mother, she will be the death of me.”

I grinned up at him at his playful barb. I couldn’t help but be pleased by his words.

“Don’t you need a boy to carry on the line or something?”

He shook his head as he stroked a finger over my shoulder and watched as he raised goose bumps. I could feel them break out across my skin.

“No. It matters not.”

His nipple was a flat disk, a shade darker than the rest of his skin and I slid my palm over it. He placed his hand on top of mine and my eyes lifted to his.

“What… what was the question?” I’d been distracted.

“What did you do on Earth? Surely murderer was not your profession.”

I stiffened beneath him, my knees pressing into his hips.

“I was… I am a doctor.”

One dark brow winged up. “Like Bron?”

“I do not know his specialty, but I believe so. I practiced emergency medicine.”

“Impressive,” he said.

“From what I’ve seen, Trion may be more advanced than Earth. You seem to have quite an array of useful tools.”

“Ah, you mean the probe?”

I swallowed, remembering how that dildo device had made me feel. “I assure you, we have nothing like that on Earth. If we did, the emergency room would be overrun.”

Tark grinned.

It seemed he was intent on having a conversation and did not plan on pulling his cock from me. “Were you born as high councilor or elected?”

“The position became mine at the death of my father. I will pass the role on to my first child.”

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