Page 22 of Assigned a Mate

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I barely knew anything about Tark and he knew nothing of me, and what he did know was a lie. But elementally, we didn’t even need to be more than strangers, for I wanted him with an intensity I’d never known, never felt before. I was like the druggies who came into the hospital, strung out and desperate for another fix. My body craved his. I wanted another hit of the pleasure only he could give me. His scent was almost taunting, the feel of his taut muscles, the way he looked at me. I couldn’t question the validity of the match. The match was real. This attraction was real.

But I wouldn’t be staying here. When it was time to testify, I would return to Earth and he would be countless light-years away. I would be returning to a world where there was no one for me. No one as right as Tark.

I had about three months. While I would be leaving, that didn’t mean I couldn’t take advantage of all Tark had to offer—even if that meant punishment.

“Kiss?” Tark asked. He frowned for a moment. “Of course. You don’t?”

I darted a look to the side, then back at him. “Yes, but you’ve never kissed me, so I wasn’t sure.”

He sighed. “As I said, we are at Outpost Nine for the councilor meetings, which conflicts greatly with my desire to be with you. I am not free to devote myself to your pleasure, to learn your body the way I will once we return to the palace. Do you think I wish to be with a bunch of cranky and very opinionated men when I could be like this with you?”

His hands moved to my hips and stroked over them. The movement nudged my clit onto his cock and I moaned. The heat of the action was intense.

“I am coming to like that sound you make,” he murmured.

His eyes were on my mouth and I licked my lips.

His grip tightened as he watched the innocent action. He liked it. I did it again and he groaned.

“You are a bad girl.”

Before I could utter a reply, he leaned forward and claimed my mouth. For a man so big, so powerful and dominant in nature, the kiss was soft, gentle. For a few seconds, then it changed. It turned wickedly carnal as his lips claimed mine and his tongue delved deep as I gasped in surprise. He tasted like wine and decadent, dark male.

He could kiss. Boy, could he ever. It was like lighting fire with gasoline, instant explosion. Bright and hot and scorching in intensity. I’d been kissed before, but not like this. I’d been touched before, but Tark’s hands were so large that I felt contained, possessed, claimed. And he was only touching me with his hands and mouth. What would it be like when his cock wasn’t constrained in his pants but stretching me open, filling me up?

I reached up and cupped his head, afraid that if I didn’t hold onto him in some way, he might disappear. It was like the dream, the feel of him. This time, I was awake.

“I’m not… I’m not a bad girl,” I gasped, then let him claim my lips again.

After an interminable amount of time, he pulled his head back and looked at me, his eyes half lidded and dark as midnight. His lips were shiny from my kisses and his breathing was as ragged as mine. Power shot through me that I could do this to him, make him be this… insentient.

“Murder.” He only said the one word, but it was enough to remind me that, to him, I was a very bad girl.

“But—” I wanted to tell him the truth, that that was a lie, but he covered my lips with his fingers.

“Beauty. Fiery spirit. The most perfect pussy. Moans of pleasure. You wield your powers well.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his words.

“My power, gara, is over your pleasure. You may not come until I command.”

That shouldn’t be much of a problem, for I couldn’t come for a man. Well, I couldn’t come for a man before him.


“Master.” His hands moved to lift the chain that dang

led between us, twirled it around his finger to shorten it and force me closer until our lips touched. “You will call me master, for while your power has turned my cock as big and hard as a trundle’s horn, you will do as I say when it comes to fucking.”

His words, while lust-filled, held the bit of command, too.

“I’m the only one who can give you your pleasure, aren’t I?” he asked.

He tugged gently on the chain and I hissed out a breath as the painful pleasure jolted straight to my clit. How did he know I liked that?

“Yes… master.”

His eyes widened at the word from my lips. Calling him master hadn’t been as terrible as I’d expected. I was a doctor. I was an independent woman who considered no man her master. But when I said it in reference to Tark, it was different. He was most assuredly the master of my body, and I was content with that for now.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy