Page 18 of Assigned a Mate

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“The women in the harem.”

“I don’t know to what you speak. Do men on Earth share their mates with others?”

“This is a harem, isn’t it?”


Her mouth fell open slightly, then she narrowed her eyes. “There are no harems on Earth, not anymore. They haven’t existed for centuries. This is your harem, isn’t it?”

“This is the harem for all at Outpost Nine,” I replied.

We stood before each other and I was completely unused to this kind of conversation. People usually listened as I spoke, then replied with a very sincere, “Yes, sir.”

I was not used to the sheer quantity of her questions. I doubted I would soon get a ‘sir’ past her lips, let alone a ‘master,’ at least not while she had clothing to cover her soft skin.

She was quick, for I barely saw her pick up the brush and toss it at me. I almost didn’t move out of the way of the hard object. Fark, she had excellent aim!

“You plan to share me with the entire outpost?” She hissed the accusation, her voice filled with venom and pain. The look on her face was one of rage, but behind the fire in her eyes was the pain of betrayal. “I told you I’d rather go to prison on Earth than be a whore.”

After my surprise passed, I rolled my shoulders back and glared down at her quivering form. “And I told you I share you with no one.”

The volume of my own voice had her taking a small retreating step, but she tilted her chin up. She was so defiant, and that fire made my cock hard as a rock. I wanted to taste that fire, use my mouth on her until she whimpered and begged me to fuck her mindless!

“Yet, I am forced to share you with the others?” She crossed her arms over her chest, which pushed the upper swells of her breasts up above the slip.

I gritted my teeth at the sight, for my cock was hard and my hand twitched to spank her ass for her insolence. She caused frustration to tighten my chest and my fists clenched at my sides. Fark! My mate was supposed to be biddable and sweet, not a woman who would hiss at me or question everything I did. But I would not take her or touch her in anger.

“I have no others,” I replied.

“Ha!” She laughed without any humor. Clearly, she did not believe me. Why? Why would she consider my words to be false?

Lifting a hand, she waved about the room. “Then what is this?”

I looked around the space, opulent even for an outpost. “It is where the women are kept for their safety.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the flap between the two rooms shift and I knew we were not alone in our conversation. I sighed. No doubt the other women had overheard our disagreement, and I did not need my personal life to be the subject of their gossip or fodder for those who wished to overthrow me.

Bending forward, I placed my shoulder at Evelyn Day’s waist and tossed her over it, careful of the chain I knew dangled beneath her slip. Clamping a hand at the back of her thighs, I ducked and entered the other room, the women stepping back to let me pass.

“What are you doing? Let me down!” Evelyn Day muttered, her small hands pounding on my back.

As I spanked her ass, I realized her shift had crept up and I tugged it down to cover her. If I was going to carry her across the outpost, I didn’t want everyone to see her pussy and delectable ass.

She had been misled about something relating to the harem and was furious about it. I had to resolve this, for I wanted to sink into her again, to mate with her, feel her beneath me, make sure she knew she was mine. But until this confusion was resolved, I would most assuredly be denied.

“We are going to my tent. While the harem will keep you safe, it will not allow us any amount of privacy. For what I plan to do with you, privacy most certainly is in order. I would like to speak to you without raising the attention of the entire outpost, therefore you should hold your tongue.”

* * *

Before the harem’s tent flap closed behind us, I caught a glimpse of Mara’s wicked smile. I knew her smirk wasn’t born of friendship. Most likely, she greatly enjoyed the knowledge that I would be punished. Based on the way the other women deferred to Tark, I had to assume most didn’t defy him as I did.

The way his eyes had widened as my hairbrush bounced off the tent wall, I had to assume he’d never had anything hurled at his head before, either. I hadn’t been able to help it. The man made me so mad! How dare he lean over me, his cock filling me completely, and whisper in my ear that I was his, then, only a short time later, request Mara to come to him?

If he found that vile woman appealing—though I had to admit her body was what most men desired, even if her personality was certainly lacking—then I wanted nothing to do with him. Surely the processing center’s matching program had made a very large error.

The processing center’s machine had delved into my mind, seeking the best match based on subliminal, subconscious wants and desires. In the chair, I’d dreamt of being taken by a man while another watched. Their words had been base but sexy—he

ll, even downright carnal—but I still had to question if that was what I really wanted. I’d been adamant about Goran not touching me, and thankfully Tark had proven to be just as particular, at least up until now.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy