Page 14 of Assigned a Mate

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I wanted to move away from his surprise touch, but I couldn’t without seriously hurting my nipples.

Tark twisted the gold chain attached to my breasts around his finger even more. He lifted his other hand from my clit to take something from Goran’s outstretched hand. “Leave us for a moment.”

His order to Goran made my breath catch. What was he going to do to me?

Tark held up golden balls, two perfectly round spheres attached by a small chain that ran between them, and another, much longer chain with a marked golden disc attached to its terminal end.

“Clearly a spanking wasn’t enough for you to learn to curb your disrespect and sharp tongue. You are going to carry these stimspheres until I return for you. The chain must be clearly visible at all times, gara, so that all who see you know that I am displeased.”

My heart fluttered faster than a hummingbird’s wings and all I could do was stare. Carry around a couple of golden balls? That was punishment?

His gaze never leaving mine, and his grip around the twisted chain holding me in place, he lowered his hand to my wet pussy and inserted first one, then both of the golden spheres deep inside me. When he dropped his hand, the spheres slipped past my inner muscles and back toward his palm. He held his hand there, unmoving, as he stared into my stunned face. “You will hold these inside your pussy, gara, until I return for you. Or you will be spanked again. This time I will not hold back and you will not be able to sit for a week.”

Holy shit, he was serious. And the entire situation made my pussy clench. His seed slipped from me, but not the balls. Just that fast, I was eager for him again.

Tark smiled at my wetness and his seed that coated his palm, lowered his head to kiss my neck, and shoved the spheres back up inside my pussy as his tongue traced hot lines over my collarbone. He lifted his head and removed both of his hands from my body at the same time.

When he let go, the longer chain I had seen swung down between my thighs. The weight made the chain heavier, but each swing of it sent a small electric shock to my clit.

I gasped as I clenched down on the weighty metal objects.

“The spheres will keep you aroused, gara, but the neuroprogramming will not allow you to come. Making you come is my job, and my job alone.” He traced the curve of my cheek with gentle fingers and stared down into my eyes. “If you remove it, I will know. The stimspheres are linked to my monitoring system.” He pointed at a device he had strapped to his forearm.

“Once Goran uploads the data from your claiming, everyone in the interstellar coalition will know you have accepted the high councilor’s claim, that you belong to me. With that,” he indicated the spinning golden disc that hung between my thighs, “perhaps you will remember the same and temper your tongue.”

He lifted me from my feet for a brief moment to make sure the disc was swinging. I hissed out a breath at the feel of the jolt of stimulation inside my pussy and I clenched down hard. A mixture of discomfort and desire made me shiver with every pendulum-like swing of the golden chain as I watched him leave the tent. I was thoroughly chastised, naked, well fucked, and swiftly returning to full arousal.

Chapter Four

The pixel image sent with Evelyn Day’s profile information was a horrible representation of the stunning beauty I’d just fucked. In the image, harsh lighting had cast a purplish glow to her skin, her hair—a true fiery red—had been matted and appeared dark. The soft strands were anything but. They curled wildly, were soft and shiny and the color of the blood moon. In the image, her eyes had been wide with what I had imagined to be fear and her mouth had been pinched in a flat line. The vibrant and feisty woman who’d arrived to the remote transport station was nothing like her official profile image, and that fact pleased me immensely.

When she’d first awakened, her eyes met mine first. Mine. Bron had been a fark, eager to get his hands on her under the guise of medicine. He’d even had a cock stand for my mate. His job with me was over and he would get nowhere near Evelyn Day. The unethical fark would be lucky to get a position on a transfer trawler headed for deep space.

I couldn’t believe that Evelyn Day had been selected from billions of potential mates to be well and truly mine. I had barely been able to wait through the examination—fark, that process had only made my need worse—to see my seed coat her creamy white thighs. Perhaps my eagerness was one of an overly randy youth, but I’d waited so long for her.

But now, I feared the long wait had made me not only eager, but too kind. My mate was a criminal convicted of murder. Even Goran had questioned my actions when witnessing how I’d been with her. My mate was a killer. But when I looked into her eyes, watched every tick of her pulse, held awareness of her every breath and tasted her lush body’s response to my touch, I could not keep that one simple fact in my mind.

Evelyn Day. Twenty-eight. Convicted of murder.

The Interstellar Bride Program had sent her name, age, those three words, and a pixel image. Nothing else.

Who had she killed, and why? I was a warrior and I knew the cost of taking a life. I had done it many times. Some men deserved to die, but others were simply following orders, or fighting for the wrong side. Some fought to defend their homes or their mates. Others relished the taste of life and death on their tongue.

Evelyn Day did not have the eyes of a woman who enjoyed killing. She was soft and warm. Giving herself to me had made her pussy hot enough to scald my cock. Such sweet agony.

Murderer or not, there was no chance she could harm me. I almost laughed aloud at the idea. I was unfamiliar with the men from Earth, but she was too small to be a danger to me; her head only came up to my shoulder. She’d been feisty and disrespectful, but I could not blame her actions. She had just been banished from her planet and was now the mate of a stranger. That did not mean her behavior went unchecked. She’d needed a spanking to learn right away that her insolent behavior would not be tolerated. After I’d tossed her over my thighs and gave her the swats she deserved—albeit lighter than I would once she settled in—she knew who was in charge and who would submit.

Seeing the pale globes of her ass change from creamy white to fiery red had made my cock rock hard. Watching the soft flesh quiver with each strike, seeing my handprint form… fark. I was not the only one who’d enjoyed it. She would certainly argue, but she’d been aroused by it. The testing matched her submissiveness to my need for control. It would only be a matter of time before she recognized this and relented.

Until then… it would be enjoyable to watch her fight, then ultimately give over to me. With a satisfied grin, I checked my monitors and set the stimspheres I’d left inside her pussy to the lowest setting for two hours. I planned to be done with my meeting in half that time, and I wanted her pussy swollen and eager for more. I couldn’t wait t

o get her home, safe, where I could lay her down and taste her, take my time and explore every inch of her creamy skin. I hadn’t even been at Outpost Nine a week, but I was ready to get back to the palace. Now, more than ever.

I’d offered Evelyn Day no opportunity to transition, no chance to acclimate to either me or Outpost Nine, for there had not been time. It wasn’t just my cock dictating my actions, Trion custom did as well. I’d had to fuck her immediately. If I hadn’t, another could have claimed her. Her beauty would not go unnoticed here. Women were precious and rare, highly valued. Many would fight to claim her, and it was possible she could be hurt or claimed by a male completely unworthy. When it came to Evelyn Day, I was the only worthy man in the universe. I growled in possessiveness at the idea.

She wore my adornment, the chain adding beauty to her full breasts and signifying her as mine. With my seed marking her pussy and thighs, there would be no doubt. Her safety was my utmost priority. Her arrival had been a shock, the timing all wrong, but I wasn’t going to complain. The match occurring while I was at the high council meeting at Outpost Nine, not at the palace, might be inconvenient for both of us, but I would adapt. Keeping her safe could prove difficult here, but it would be done.

I couldn’t bring myself to regret that Evelyn Day had her first fucking over a ceremonial stand in a transient tent, not in my palace chambers, where she wouldn’t have had to leave my bed. Instead of learning all of her delights and beginning her training to my ways, I’d had to send her to the harem to ensure she was well protected. And that caution was well founded.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides Program Fantasy