Page 40 of Dragon Chains

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“Oh my God.” Katy looked around the cottage where Ryker had been born and took in the ancient, heavy wooden beams that held the ceiling. An old-fashioned stone firepit and chimney stood in one corner of the room with a bed in the opposite corner. The space was smaller than a studio flat back home and gave off a rustic feeling. A single dusty oil lantern hung from a hook next to the fireplace. It was daylight now, the door stood open behind them, but she could easily imagine how cozy the small cottage would be at night with nothing but firelight and candles to push back the darkness.

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than Ryker waved a hand and closed the door, shutting out the cold. He turned to the firepit next. Katy gasped as a spark flew from his finger straight into the dry kindling left behind, burning hot and fast until the logs caught fire, flickering and crackling, no doubt for the first time in many years. Soft shadows danced along the wall and the scent of pine filled the small cottage.

She had no idea what to say as Ryker filled a tub with water, then tested the temperature with his fingertips. Leaning down, he placed both hands inside. They glowed black, like sparkling glitter beneath the water until hot steam curled languidly around them.

“I hope that’s for you. You’re a mess.” And he was. Covered in blood and gashes from his fight with Erik, she wasn’t sure how he was still on his feet.

“This is nothing. And no, this is for you, mate. Dragon cannot wait any longer to claim you.”

Katy frowned; her brow creased in confusion. “I don’t understand. What does that mean, exactly? To be claimed by a dragon?”

“Trust me.” Ryker’s tone was seductive now, his eyes growing darker as he closed the distance between them. He lifted his palms to pull her to his side, her cheek settling against his chest. “I would never hurt you, my mate.”

Warmth spread throughout her limbs. Desire. A languid sense of safety, of being cared for, protected, filled her heart. She was tired of fighting. Tired of struggling to survive. Tired of being alone and in pain.

Katy wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. She didn’t ever want him to let her go. Didn’t want to return to the daily struggle she’d faced before she knew him, alone and lonely. Fighting the whole world by herself every time her sister went off traipsing around the globe, leaving Katy to take care of everything.

She closed her eyes and breathed him in as the warmth turned to crackling flames. With a gasp, she looked down to see her clothing disintegrate before her eyes, black flames consuming the material yet leaving her skin untouched. Magic. She shivered, half afraid of the flames and half in awe.

“Much better.” Ryker lifted her naked body to his chest then stepped into the water, his eyes sparkling with mischief as his own clothes disappeared as well.

“You can make clothes?”

“We are dragons. Made from the magic of Earth itself. We can manipulate anything that is part of us. The elements. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Spirit. You were covered in Erik’s magic, the clothing you wore created by his dragonfire. I cannot stand to sense his energy or catch his scent on you. It makes my dragon insane.”

Mine.The loud, insistent voice she’d heard repeatedly during the flight burst into her mind in agreement.

Ryker laughed as he lowered them both into the steaming water. “See? I told you.”

Katy relaxed in his arms and let Ryker have his way with her. He was gentle, soaping and rinsing her hair before running his hands over every inch of her body. His touch was careful, tender, and not at all what she wanted right now.

Turning in his arms, she pressed her naked breasts to his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, pleased to see that nearly all his wounds had healed. Taking the soap from his hand, she washed the remaining signs of battle from his body and kissed him. Hard. Deep. Demanding.

He answered in kind, taking control of the kiss, his arms moving to hold her closer. Tighter.

No! Mine!

“Damn it, Dragon.” Ryker tore his lips from hers and pressed his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. “He is tired of waiting. I cannot control him. I took off my dragon chains.”

“Is he going to hurt me?”

Dragon’s telepathic denial came the same instant Ryker responded.


“Okay. Then I’m ready to meet your dragon. Officially. As long as he promises not to fly away with me again, especially when I’m naked.”

With a grin, Ryker stood, lifting her from the tub as he rose. The cooler air in the cottage made her shiver. A moment later she was covered in magical black fire. When it was gone, she was wearing some sort of gown, similar to the one she’d worn to the ball. Black. Shimmering. Beautiful. Her hair and skin were dry, her feet covered in thick slippers.

Ryker, still naked himself, set her on her feet, took her hand and walked her outside until they stood looking out over the cliffs. Together they watched the seagulls fly, darting into the water to catch fish. The surf was so far below them it was a quiet, rhythmic, peaceful sound. Katy remained quiet as Ryker looked pensively out at the sea far below.

Finally, he turned to her. “Long ago I dreamed of finding my true mate and bringing her here, to my ancient home, to claim her.” Ryker looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Katy. I am yours. Dragon is yours. If you’ll have us.”

Katy took in the sight of her gorgeous, muscled god of a lover looking at her with the stars themselves in his eyes. No one had ever looked at her like that; like she was everything. Her heart melted.

The magical blur she knew meant Ryker was changing into his dragon form filled her vision, and then it was just her and the dragon, staring at one another.


Tags: Grace Goodwin Paranormal