Page 33 of Dragon Chains

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“Yes.” He knew her name. Knew Emily had an identical twin. Katy shivered. What else did he know?

“Excellent.” Erik motioned one of the giant blond men forward with a slight wave of his wrist. The man came forward and handed Erik a business-sized manila envelope.

Erik opened the flap and withdrew a stack of paperwork that looked like legal contracts. After a quick glance at God only knew what details, he handed them to Katy.

At first glance, the paperwork appeared to be the same contract Vector and Ryker had tried to get her to sign in his office. Same gorgeous dragon symbol at the top. Same type of paper. Without reading a word, she looked from the paperwork to Erik’s expectant face. “What is this?”

“This, Ms. Toure, is a contract with exactly the same terms offered to you by Ryker, but for ten times the payment. I will also repay the advance you and your sister used to pay for your mother’s rehabilitation facility and private nursing.”

“What?” Katy nearly came unglued. Ten times the money? Hadn’t Emily said her deal was a lot of money? Coming from Emily, that could only have meant millions. And Erik was willing to pay ten times that amount? What the hell?

Erik leaned forward, clearly gaining confidence with each moment of her silence. “As I said, the terms are identical. We will be legally married at once. I will introduce you as queen of my clan at an inaugural ball. We can tell the other clans Ryker did not properly woo you.

Once we’re married, you will provide the clan with at least two children within the first five years via IVF; no sexual contact between us is required. You, as the mother of my children, will be cared for by the clan. My top financial advisors will take care of the children’s assets, of course, until the eldest child comes of age at twenty-five. You will have a beautiful home—several, actually—more money than you can imagine deposited into your personal account, and two beautiful children to love without the problem of an irritating husband around. I assume this pleases you?”

Dumbfounded, Katy could only think of one question. “Children need their fathers. Why wouldn’t you be around?”

“Just like Ryker, I await the executioner.”

Erik held out a pen. With shaking fingers, Katy took it from him and settled back in her seat.

“Two children?”

“Ms. Toure, of course I would be thrilled if you decided to carry additional heirs, but I am honoring the original agreement offered to you by Ryker. Should you wish to have additional children after my death, I am sure the frozen embryos will remain viable for some time.”

IVF? Frozen embryos?

Katy’s head began to pound. She rubbed her temples to ease the pain as she considered Erik’s bizarre proposition, or rather, Ryker’s deal with Emily. Her sister agreed to marry Ryker, but never sleep with him? A marriage in name only? Have his babies via IVF? And stay in Italy, at his estate, for twenty-five years?

Katy’s head spun dizzily. Ryker was going to be executed?

She was going to vomit, the tequila choosing that very moment to rise from her stomach like a fire snake eating its way up her throat.

Unbuckling her lap belt, she stood and made her way to the toilet in the back of the plane. Luckily, even private jets were laid out in a way that made the small room easy to find. Locked inside, she stared at herself in the mirror and tried to recognize the woman staring back at her.

Her hair was still gorgeous, the hairstyle Ryker’s servants had spent over an hour creating, perfect. Her make-up had been artfully applied. She looked beautiful. The engagement ring on her finger sparkled like black fire surrounded by a ring of starlight. The dress she wore was unlike anything she had ever imagined. It hugged every curve, made her a queen.

Mia Regina.

My queen.Not a charming endearment. A freaking title.

Fumbling with the water spouts, she managed to turn it on and splash a bit of cold water on her cheeks and neck.

Inaugural ball? Like the event at Ryker’s estate tonight? The people, all looking like they’d come straight from a fashion catalog? The pendant worn by Ryker’s mother? The crown?

“Emily, what have you done?” she whispered to the mirror image of herself. If she had her cell phone, she would call her twin this instant and curse her into next week. But she had no phone. No identification. No passport. No money. And everyone on this jet thought she was Emily Toure, future wife of Ryker. Future mother of his children.

For a price.

“No.” She stared the woman who looked exactly like Emily in the eye and told her again. “No. I’m not doing this. Not even for you.”

Decision made, Katy made sure she didn’t look as unsettled as she felt and walked back to stand next to her seat. The contract and pen rested in Erik’s lap.

“I am sorry, Erik. But I cannot accept your offer.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Toure.” He smiled as he spoke, clearly unperturbed. He stood and held out the paperwork. “I’ll make it twenty million and one child. Please, Ms. Toure. My clan, too, has given up hope, and the dragon chains will not hold us much longer.”

Straightening her shoulders, Katy made a decision.

“Erik, please, sit. I have a lot of questions. And then I have a story to tell you as well.”

“Ask. I will tell you anything, min dronning.”

“What does that mean?”

“My queen.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Paranormal