Page 13 of Dragon Chains

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“Your wish is my command.” Ryker took the stairs three at a time, then carried her down the long hallway. The door to his suite opened on silent hinges. He stepped through, then allowed her to slide down his body until her feet touched the ground while the door slid shut behind them. He turned her around and pulled her in close so that her back was to his front, the contact igniting a fire in his blood.

Katy moaned as Ryker’s hands explored, teased, stroked her through the dress as his lips traveled up and down her sensitized neck. She felt his cock, long and hard, wedged between their bodies. She placed her hands on his thighs, spread her legs just enough to allow him access, and leaned back into him as he lifted the edge of her dress and dived his hand under her black lace panties. His finger unerringly found her center and drove deep. She was wet. Ready. She let out a cry of pleasure as he set up a hard, fast tempo.

Legs weak, hands trembling, she dug her nails into his thighs. His only response was to work her harder, place his foot to the inside of hers and spread her legs wider. His other hand joined the first beneath her panties, two fingers spreading her feminine lips, the other pressing, playing with her clit just the way she liked it. Her toes curled at the intense pleasure. Lightning raced up her spine. She held her breath. She was so close.

“Let yourself go, regina mia. Fly. I will always catch you.”

Katy couldn’t hold on. An orgasm ripped through her body. She was engulfed by waves of pleasure. She cried out his name as he pushed her over the edge.

Her legs gave out completely, and true to his word, Ryker caught her. She barely registered the opulent decor as he carried her past the living area, den, and into his private rooms. She saw but didn’t care about the huge, modern kitchen, the ultra-plush carpet, the crown molding or large sprawling sofas. Didn’t care about the heavy wooden shelving packed with books and mementos. Not even the priceless works of art on the wall or the sparkling chandeliers. It was all a blur. Nothing mattered but him. “Ryker.”

Katy gasped in awe as they entered the main bedchamber. Hundreds of tiny candles flickered in the darkened room, focusing her attention. Some cast deep shadows along the wall; some were scattered about the floor, giving a romantic, almost otherworldly feel to the room. “How?”

Ryker’s face lit up at her obvious pleasure. “Do you like it?”

“Of course,” she gasped, “but—but how?”


Katy laughed. “Magic, or great housekeeping?”

Ryker smiled wolfishly as he placed her in the center of his king-size bed and removed her shoes. “Definitely magic.”

“Ah. I see.” Katy grinned mischievously, feeling playful. “Well, how about you magic your way out of that shirt?”

Ryker paused, enthralled by the imp he saw before him. So she liked to play, did she? If only she knew she was baiting a dragon. He smiled slowly, unbuttoned his shirt the human way.

Katy devoured him with her eyes as he revealed ropes of muscle across very broad shoulders. His chest and abs were no less impressive. As quickly as her playful mood arose, it was gone by the time Ryker’s large, strong hands undid the last button. She knew those hands now. Knew how good they could make her feel. Knew how strong he was after carrying her so easily. Her face and neck flushed anew as he stood before her bare-chested. Confident. Masterful. An alpha in his prime.

She was far from satisfied. His naked torso did nothing but whet her appetite for more. More pleasure. More Ryker. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly full of cotton.

Katy’s breathing hitched up a notch as he climbed onto the bed. She didn’t remember him removing his shoes, but they were gone. He was all lithe sinew and muscle as he stalked her like a panther, his eyes locked to hers. She couldn’t move. Didn’t want to.

He started at her feet. His every kiss shot little electric pings through her body. She writhed with need. Wanted him to hurry, to bury himself deep inside her. Fill the emptiness she hadn’t even known was there. She cried out as he reached her center, his hands making short work of her panties, eliminating the thin barrier between his hot mouth and her most vulnerable nub.

His mouth and tongue worked her into a frenzy. She panted. Moaned. Need pushed her higher and higher until she couldn’t lie still. Her hips shifted position, arching up for more. His arm clamped her down, held her still as his tongue penetrated deep. His hand took over where his mouth left off, working her engorged nub. She couldn’t take any more. Screamed as she was swamped with waves of heat. Pleasure. This orgasm was even stronger than the last. Ryker’s only response was a grunt of male satisfaction before starting the process all over again.

Still, she wanted more. Needed, with every breath in her body, for him to fill her. She grabbed his head, her fingers buried in his hair, and tugged gently. She didn’t have to say a word. Somehow he just knew what she wanted. What she needed.

He flipped her over to unzip her dress. The zipper caught. Wouldn’t budge. With a growl of frustration, he ripped the fabric in two. She should have been angry that her dress was ruined, but instead she thrilled at his eagerness.

Katy rolled to her back, tugged at his belt. Undid the latch. He needed no other encouragement, got off the bed, and removed his pants. He wore no underwear. Her eyes opened wide as he stood before her, his cock hard and ready, the tip leaking in anticipation. He was huge. Long and thick.

Ryker swept her up and resettled her on his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed, her legs straddling his. With one hand he held her locked to him; the other bunched her hair. Tugged at her long tresses until she gave him access to her neck. Her body. With her head tipped back, her breasts arched. He bent his head, laved first one nipple, then the other, pleased at how sensitive she was. How responsive.

“Please. Please.”

Ryker growled, every muscle tense. Ready to pleasure his woman all night. To ready her for their joining. “Please what?”

“Please. Now. I want you now. Inside me,” she panted, grinding against him.

Ryker could deny her nothing. Positioning her over his cock, he lowered her, one agonizingly slow inch at a time, until she could take no more. They both groaned.

Katy had never felt so full. He was so big he stretched her to the limit. She ached. Throbbed. Her body quaked in reaction to his invasion.

She clung to his shoulders. Didn’t move. Couldn’t breathe.

“Easy, regina mia,” he soothed, his hands at her hips holding her steady. “Easy.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Paranormal