Page 11 of Dragon Chains

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Emily was still laughing when she ended the call. Katy put her phone away and ordered another drink. So, Emily was in Scotland. Which meant Katy was stuck here.

The kissing couple had shifted position, and the woman now had her back to her partner, his thighs directly behind her backside and his hands on her hips. He was kissing her neck, and she looked blissed out. Content. She obviously trusted the man she was with, and Katy wondered if they knew each other or if this was an Italian thing. Their women seemed so sexy and free. More like Emily than Katy would ever be.

But I’m not Katy Toure tonight, am I? I’m someone else. Katy Toure checked out at the airport back home. Tonight I’m Emily. Fun. Flirtatious. Wild. Free.

What would her twin do in this situation? Exactly what Emily had told Katy to do. Find a sexy Italian man who looked like a god and get naked. Have some fun and a few orgasms. Not be alone in bed.


“Buonasera, Mia Regina. May I join you for a drink?”

The deep voice came from a man standing next to her, and Katy tore her attention from the dancing couple to look up. And up.

Their gazes locked, and Katy forgot to breathe. She flushed with pleasure. Excitement. The fantasy sex god had arrived as if on cue. And he’d just called her something his—she knew at least that much Italian. Her toes curled. Her nipples hardened into tight, aching pebbles. Desire bolted through her body as the air nearly crackled with sexual tension. Out of all the hot, single Italian women in the club, he’d singled her out. Picked her. A glance to the side showed at least half a dozen women glaring daggers at her. She didn’t care.

Katy turned back to sip at her drink, observing him from beneath the sweep of her long lashes. His wavy black hair was short and just a little wild. His lips firm, made to pleasure a woman. His eyes, dark and intense, filled with smoldering heat and promise. He was tall, packed with sinewy muscle she could see outlined through his blue shirt with a hint of gold from a chain around his neck. His shoulders were broad, tapering down to a trim waist, making a perfect triangle that only a man who was seriously fit could pull off. He looked like a lean fighting machine. A large, predatory animal, balanced, focused, ready to strike. She trembled, everything feminine inside her responding to the masculine, dominant alpha waves rolling off him.

“Yes. I mean, sì, signore.” Katy’s voice took on a husky sound she’d never heard before. But then, she’d never been this aroused by just looking at a man either. Sex god might be an understatement. He was gorgeous. Perfect. His smell…

God, his smell.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as his cologne—she would have to find out what it was because the scent was the most amazing thing ever—surrounded her and made her body burn. Her breasts grew heavy, and her panties were instantly soaked with her desire.

She wanted more. She wanted to bury her nose in his neck and nibble on his skin. Rub herself all over him. Absorb him. Mark him somehow, as hers.

“I’m going crazy.” She whispered the words to herself but didn’t open her eyes. Not yet. Not when she could still taste his scent on her tongue and her body was on fire. She needed to gain control of herself. Calm down.

“Such formality… you must call me Ryker. And you are no more crazy than I.”

She finally opened her eyes only to find him watching her intently, as if he had noticed her odd behavior. Color swept up her cheeks. She thanked everything holy that the club was dark enough to hide her blush. She was acting like…like…

Em. I’m acting like Em. Wild. Free. But it’s okay. That’s who I am tonight. Not the controlled, responsible twin. Not the demure, reserved woman who has to think of everyone else first. Tonight I can let loose. Be free. No rules. Nothing but pleasure. Tomorrow I can go back to being the responsible one. Tonight I want for me.

She peeked at him again. His smile went straight to her core, and her thighs clenched.

Ryker slid into the seat next to her and placed his hand, palm up, in the center of the table. A blatant invitation.

Katy didn’t want to resist. She needed to touch him. She slid her hand into his and gasped as heat filled her entire body. Raw lust. Desire. It was like she’d fallen into a hot bath, and her mind went blank. All she could think about was kissing him the way the couple on the dance floor had been kissing. Pressing her body to his. Feeling his strong hands grip her hips. Her ass. Melting into his heat. Reveling in his scent as it enveloped her. Welcoming his hard cock pounding into her body over and over…and over.

“Dance with me.”

Katy’s heart pounded in her chest. The club was loud, the music thumping. She shouldn’t have been able to hear his quietly spoken words, but his voice was so deep it carried straight to her ears, vibrated through her body, and set her core to throbbing. His English was perfect, the accent exotic. Sexy. Not quite like the other Italians she’d spoken with while shopping. She couldn’t quite place it. Didn’t care. “Yes.”

Katy allowed Ryker to lead her onto the dance floor. As the music pounded around them, he pulled her in close. She went readily into his arms, her body suddenly pliant, melting into his strength. He growled low, pulling her in even closer. Molding her body to his. He bent his head slowly toward her, allowing her time to resist. She wanted this. Wanted his lips on hers. Without conscious thought, her gaze grew slumberous; her long, dark lashes swept down to cover her eyes as she waited breathlessly for his kiss. He didn’t disappoint her.

His lips were pure fire. Heat flowed through her like nothing she’d ever felt before as he conquered her mouth with his own, his large frame folding around her until she felt like they were the only two people in the world. She’d read novels where one kiss made a woman forget her own name but had never experienced it. Until now.


“Hmmm?” His response sounded as drunk on desire as she felt. They had melted into one body, one being, and she clung to him without shame or hesitation. She moved with him on the dance floor, the music barely registering. He moved, so she moved. His scent filled her lungs, made her feel like she was a wild thing and somehow he belonged to her now. Was hers to do with as she wished.

Was this pure lust? Pheromones? Chemistry?

Katy couldn’t help herself. She wanted more. Her head tilted back, her heavy fall of hair encouraging her to expose the sensitive curve of her neck. Her eyes drifted closed on a wave of pleasure as Ryker bent his head to skim his lips over her beckoning flesh, his warm breath sending tingles up and down her spine. She shivered at his erotic touch.

Ryker pulled her hips closer with one hand pressed to her lower back, the other diving into her hair, tugging her long curls just enough to let her know he wanted more access. To her neck. Her body. He wanted her to surrender. She gave him what he wanted. What she wanted. With her head back, her chest arched up, her heavy breasts tingling as they smashed into his hardness.

She caught her breath as he caught her body, one muscular thigh diving between hers, his hard muscles rigid against her warm center. She was powerless to resist. Didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him deep inside her, didn’t care who knew, her normal reserve burned to ash by her desire for him. Part of her screamed this was crazy, the rest of her didn’t care.

She opened her mouth to ask him who he was. Where he was from. Something. Anything to break the sexual spell he’d placed her under.

One word. She only managed one word.


Tags: Grace Goodwin Paranormal