Page 22 of His Forbidden Kiss

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Taylor hung her silk shirt in the closet and fingered the delicate fabric, her mind on Royce. He’d been checking her out today. His not mentioning her popped button had nothing to do with respecting her as a coworker. What was it with men and their complete denial of what was right in front of them?

She shook her head. It’d been a long day. Best not to analyze that stumper. She stripped off her slacks and hung them as well, sliding one hanger then another to the side in search of her favorite pair of comfy leggings.

What was Royce trying to prove today? That she was objectively unattractive? She swiped another hanger, remembering the moment she’d caught him looking. Really looking.

“Eating me up with those deep brown eyes...” And then denying it.


“What’s he afraid of?” she asked her closet.

What are you afraid of?

Valid point. Why hadn’t she called him on it? Why hadn’t she confronted him the way she had Bran? Was it propriety? Was it procrastination? Or was it some latent, misplaced loyalty to her father’s wishes?

Ding! We have a winner!

It wasn’t like her to not go after what she wanted. Until now, however, Royce had never given her a reason to pursue him. He’d never looked at her the way he’d looked at her today. It’d been exhilarating watching him at war with himself, the silent battle pulling the sides of his mouth into a frown. It was as if he’d been giving himself a stern talking-to. Worse, she’d let him off the hook. All because her father had once suggested that Royce was not the man for her. At the time, she’d found it funny. Royce hardly gave her a passing glance.

“Today, it was more than a passing one.”

She really needed to get a cat. Or a goldfish. Muttering to herself alone in her apartment was a recipe for a straitjacket. She slid another hanger and encountered a garment she’d forgotten about.

Seth Wheeler had been a longish term boyfriend for Taylor. They’d nearly made it to a one-year anniversary, and she’d believed they might even get married and have a family someday. Her parents liked him and Taylor herself felt stirrings of love after only a month. When Seth finally uttered those three words to her, she’d happily returned them. They were together but separate people, both busy professionals who prioritized their careers. Then Seth, an engineer, had been offered an opportunity in Dubai the very same day Taylor had learned of her father’s cancer diagnosis.

Her life abruptly changed for the worse. In so many ways.

Seth was ecstatic about the “once in a lifetime opportunity.” He was also unwilling to stay in California. Taylor refused to leave her father’s side. She’d expected Seth to turn down Dubai. To stay here with her while her father fought for his life.

Seth instead left her behind. He’d been apologetic but oh-so-selfish. “What’s between us, Tay, it may not work out long-term,” he’d told her. “But Dubai? It’s a sure thing.”

Mind returning from the past, she fingered the delicate lingerie. She’d purchased the luxurious La Perla slip specifically for her and Seth’s one-year anniversary. The black slip sailed over her body like a whisper, making her feel undeniably feminine. The hand-embroidered floral design framing the neckline and the low V-shaped dip in the back made the piece a work of art.

And since she bought it for the way it made her feel, not because Seth would’ve liked it, she kept it. She told herself that someday there’d be another man in her life who would make her want to slide into the seven-hundred-dollar garment.

As she rubbed the silky material between her fingers, she thought of Royce’s reaction to hearing the news that she’d talked to, and hugged, Brannon. Royce had looked like he wanted a few carpenter’s nails to gnaw on. She’d bet he was suffering from the same green-eyed monster as Addison.

Royce was jealous.

“Like silk, do you?” She pulled down the black velvet hanger, a positively delicious idea popping into her mind. Maybe it was time—past time—to challenge her father’s opinion about whom she should or shouldn’t date. She loved her father. She respected him. Her dad had the best intentions when it came to her. But he also could’ve been wrong.

Royce wanted her. She wanted him.

What more did she need to do?

Prove it.That’s what.

The flirty short skirt showcased her toned thighs. The skinny straps framed her shoulders. The boldness of showing up unannounced wearing it would be Royce’s ultimate weakness. No way could he deny his attraction then.

It was past time she did something because she wanted to do it. Not what her parents wanted. Not what her friends wanted. She’d been dating the wrong guy in some misguided effort to please her father, for heaven’s sake. Enough was enough.

Sparks didn’t come along every day. And the ones that flew between her and Royce were so rare, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt anything like it. Not even with Seth.

She unearthed a snow-white, thigh-length trench coat next, and from the shoebox on the top shelf of her closet, pulled down her highest black heels. The little ankle straps would go nicely with the acres of leg showing beneath the coat.

Wearing only a mischievous smile, she climbed into a warm shower for a quick rinse. Twenty minutes later she was in her car driving to Royce’s house.

Tags: Jessica Lemmon Billionaire Romance