Page 46 of Asher

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But when I finally get a chance to view the venue Asher chose for our day, I am left speechless. Asher chose a floating venue! We are behind the house that the men got dressed in and it is straight out of a fairy tale. There are candles all over the back of the house from the yard to the sand and finally up the clear gangway that leads to a floating room. It is as large as a grand ball room; it has a clear tent covering and twinkling lights with clear tables and chairs. The center is clear with a tile floor that must be doubling as the dance floor, the floor underneath the tables is carpeted. There are clear railings surrounding it to ensure no one falls off while we are floating down in the Gulf of Mexico. The tables have African purple and teal floral arrangements with pops of the color all around the barge. There is head table and a place for the live band and DJ. I couldn’t have planned it better. Everything is amazing, but I’m marrying an architect so I shouldn’t be surprised. I make it to the alter and my father pulls me into a tender hug, “I couldn’t be happier for you Tippy, he is the type of man I would have hand-chosen for you if I could have.” He places my hand in Asher’s and Pastor Errington begins the ceremony. Savvy’s dad is here so much marrying the Gideons off he might as well just move here, but Asher wouldn’t even consider anyone else marrying us. Asher, bless his heart couldn’t fathom standing with any space between us so he pulled into his arms, my back to his chest, well as much as he could with my train, so I can hold my babies he said when I look up at him questioningly. Ugh, this man. So that’s how we got married with Asher holding my stomach, that I swear has popped ever since I found out I was pregnant, that is until it was time for our vows.

“Asher Oishin,” I say both because I am marrying both since they are two different people, “never have I been happier for a colleague being out of town as I am right now. When I received the call from Strong, I thought I was just going to come get you out of jail and your legal issues and be on my way. Not once did it cross my mind that I was coming to save my future. You have brought me a peace, and security I didn’t think was possible, you fed my soul that I didn’t know was starving and instead of me securing your freedom you secured mine. You released the inner woman in me that was too scared to come out, she was too scared of being hurt, and misunderstood. Not only do you understand her, speak her language, you also gave her everything. You created a reality that fulfilled all her hopes and dreams and you allowed me to know she and I aren’t separate but a whole person that can just be. You gave me a bigger family that I know now I can depend on, who will support me and us. No matter what I give you in this life, please know you have given me more. I love you and I can’t wait to continue this journey together and gain everything we want in life.”

“Carla Chanté , I knew from the moment I heard you in the bull pen handing Detective Marshall his as…. um behind, I cut off my cussing seeing as I am standing in front of the pastor, I knew you were mine. I never doubted you would clear me, and that left me free to figure out and give you all the things you wanted and needed. I have never been more grateful to be a man than when I am with you. You feed my soul and allow me to be who I need to be. I searched the majority of my life for something you gave me within the first minute of meeting. I meant what I said when I gave you Hedonism 2, all I need is you. I will always give everything you need without you having to ask. I will be your champion, shield and advocate, I will challenge you and push you. I will love you when you can’t love yourself, not just in the good times but in all times. You are safe with me Carla, every part of you is safe with me and I will lay this world to waste before I allow anyone or anything to hurt you. We have a lot to look forward to and I couldn’t imagine looking forward with anyone but you. I love you Mianach until this reality ceases to exist.”

“I have had the pleasure of marrying every married Gideon son here and it is always a pleasure to witness the love these young men have for the women that God has blessed them with. The rings.” He holds them in his hand, “Dear God, we ask that you bless these rings and this union, that when things get difficult, and the love is sometimes hard to find and seems like it’s no longer enough they will touch them and remember this day. That they remember the vows they made to each other and the love that brought them here. God, remind them that even though it may not seem like it, love is always easy to find and never left. Remind them of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Amen.”

“Amen,” we all chorus together. I slip the platinum wedding band with purple diamonds set in a channel on his finger. Asher slips off my engagement rings to slip the bands on my finger. Once all three bands are in place it looks like a purple and white butterfly has landed on my finger. The rings separately are gorgeous but all together they are flawless. I have to have half a diamond mine on my hand right now. But leave it to Asher to have purchased me another wedding set to wear everyday that’s less ostentatious.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Asher you may kiss your bride.”

Asher, always knowing what to do, gave me a passionate but quick kiss.

“Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Asher Oishin Brennan Gideon.”

And just like that Asher is my husband.

Tags: J. Nell Romance