Page 83 of Jag

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Chapter 20


“We have to move,” I tell my brothers.

We suit up and head in the direction I give them. We race down the road as the sun begins to set. I feel driven to not only go in this direction but to hurry the fuck up.


It’s just me and the horn dog. This is the best chance I am going to get; I think. It’s got to be getting close to night. I've been working on the bindings on my hands and have loosened them. Horn dog walks in just like I knew he would and starts to grab at his crotch. I turn on the water works and begin to beg. We watch each other intently as he approaches slowly like you would approach a skittish colt.

I wince in pain from his brutal grip on my arm, as he throws me down on the cot and climbs on top of me. I am just waiting for the right moment. He begins to feel on my breasts, he grabs them and squeezes hard, I do not have to fake that pain, but I am unsure if the tears that are forming is from the pain or the putrid smell of garbage coming from his mouth.

He slithers down my body, and the metal clanking of my belt buckle ricochets off the walls, and for some reason he puts his head in between my legs to smell my pussy. He wiggles his face all over my pussy and inhales, I know good and hell well I will not willingly let this man rape me, besides my pussy is as dry as the Sahara Desert.

He reaches a hand up to grab my breast again and I make my move. I grab his arm and pull while closing thunder and lightning around his neck and squeezing at the same time. He grabs my leg with his other arm and tries to force me to release him I, but I cross my ankles, squeeze harder and lean back even farther.

When I see Seph again I promise to kiss the hell out of him for all those leg days me tortured me through.

After a couple of minutes, I can feel the fight drain from him, he’s alive but unconscious. Well, I am not like those women in the shows who have a man beat but runs instead of killing him. I unwrap my legs from around his neck, take his head in my hands and remember all the training Jag and his brothers have given me and snap his neck.

“That’s for putting your fucking hands on me!”

I say as his dead body falls to the floor. I search him for weapons, and I don’t find one, but I do find a cell phone. I finish taking the bindings off my hands as I run out of that house and towards, I have no idea where. When I get outside, I see I’m in the open but there’s some grass and bushes and I take off running towards them. I take the cell out and thank all that is holy that there is not a lock on it. I dial the only number that matters right now.

“Please answer, please answer,” I say.


The relief of hearing his voice almost makes me stop running. “Jag!” I yell.

“Savannah! baby, where are you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you running?”


“Jabarri, trace this call”

He pulls out his laptop and begins furiously tapping at the keys.

“Jag, where are you?!” I scream.

“I’m coming baby, don’t hang up the phone Jabarri’s trying to track it.”

“Ok,” I say as I finally reach the grass and look around for someplace to hide. I find a little bush I sit down behind to catch my breath.

“I got her, we’re not far,” I hear him say. “Hold on, baby I’m almost there, don’t hang up.”

“Ok,” I say. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain from someone grabbing my hair. I’m snatched up and spun around and come face to face with the lady in the fitting room that asked for my help.

“It was you,” I say still holding the phone in my hand.

“You think you’re smart playing helpless, you’re going to pay for that bitch,” she says.

Suddenly, I hear gunshots in the distance as I haul off and punch this bitch dead in her face. Her head snaps back and she swings and busts my lip. I throw the phone to make sure the phone stays active and draw back and serve this hoe a two piece. We are going toe to toe giving as good as we are getting.

Tags: J. Nell Romance