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“Yes, Josh please.”

“Am I not pleasing you baby?”

“Shit, yes Joshua.”

As soon as she says that her pussy clamps down on my dick, I tilt my hips and hit that bundle of nerves I've been rubbing against full force, full contact. Savvy opens her mouth to scream but nothing comes out. She grabs my neck again and the other hand damn near rips the sheet from the bed. I grab her neck and if on cue we both squeeze at the same time and explode together. For the first time in my life, I pass out from an orgasm. Luckily, I fall to the side of Savannah and not on top of her.

Even unconscious my body knows to protect her. I come to first, I get up and go to the bathroom and run Savvy a bath. I know she is tired, but I also know I rode her hard tonight and after being celibate for damn near ten years, I know her body is sore and will be sorer tomorrow. I put some Epsom salt, baking soda and apple cider vinegar in the water for her.

“Savvy baby,” I say when I go to the bed to get her.

“I can’t Joshua,” she says.

“Come on baby you have to use the bathroom and take this bath you're gonna be sore in the morning”.

It was a struggle to get Savvy up and I had to carry her to the bathroom, I sit her on the toilet for her to pee. Once she was done and wiped herself, I put her in the tub. While she was soaking, I went into the bedroom, stripped the bed, carried the linens to the laundry room and left them in the basket. I went into the bedroom I used earlier and shower. I grabbed new bedding out of the linen closet and made up the bed. By that time, I went to get Savvy out the tub where she had fallen asleep. I wake her up, got her out the tub, dried her off, put her lotion on her and put her in her sleep bonnet. Got in the bed with her and pulled her across my chest and fell asleep.

Tags: J. Nell Romance